"people have lost interests in knowing the truth" only because they have been lied to so many times. and the one who fed them the lies got away with no penalty.
I disagree. It's only a symptom of the fundamental polarized society. And, it's in the progress of self-healing. At the end, American people will be the winner.
Trump is over。but we should also ponder why he can get his momentum. 极左对政治正确的变态追求,全球化对底下阶级的漠视, 公共教育的衰亡,精英的脱离现实。宗教的猖獗。这些不反省,川普群还会卷土重来的 。
" Trump will come out as a winner, and the democratic process and American people are the losers." -- LMAO, hahaha~! 看看西老太及其党羽的所做所为,这话套在她身上其实再合适不过了。有的时候,真的说不清某些人是真瞎,还是装瞎。