i always believe humanity, compassion are among us...for practical reason, there are things we do, things we don't....but at least we know for things that we don't, we will once the circumstance changes....There is a fringe section among us, many of them Trump's supporters...are twisting the facts...blaming the victims and create division...this election season is not about facts, but about emotions, and fear....i still hope the better part of us will win at the end....
"we will once the circumstance changes"? 是的, 是会change. 但是通常都是往反的方向change. 受虐者在环境改变后, 有时侯会变成施虐者, 对比他们弱的, 而且更残酷, 因为他们认为自己所遭受的不公义, 其他人凭什么可以没有?
The "National Youth Gang Survey Analysis" (2011) state that of gang members, 46% are Hispanic/Latino, 35% are black, 11.5% are white, and 7% are other race/ethnicity.[41]
人家举的牌子写的清清楚楚,“Black Life Matters”,你先把皮染黑了再说,要不关你什么事,别自作多情了。希拉里这么糊弄人骗人都能当选,她们之流又能把选她的人当什么?安省自由党已经显示出了结果
Meet The Flockers 教唆抢劫华人,我投诉了好几次,相信很多网友都投诉了,Youtube没有任何反应。说好的政治正确哪去了?这个要怪川普咯。