Interesting topicAs a contractor, I may earn more than 150K/year, but I do not need to pay myself a salary of this much because that will trigger a huge marginal tax rate. I usually just pay myself (via my corporation) half, and the remaining balance can still be kept in my corporation's account, and when someday, I do not want to work (such as I am retired), I can pay myself dividend, and thus I reduced my total tax.
有趣的讨论.过去两年我从backoffice转business Dev,在GTA跑了个遍. 感觉有个规律:周一到周四 11am-2pm,中青年在Costco的人数多少取决该区的收入来源构成;这类人越多,该区非T4(/A)收入越高.结果404沿线尤其东线几个Costco这时间爆满;西部高收入Oakville 空空如也。
-quicksliman(Hangup on hard fatty);
唉这里不是觅巢版哪.房产涨价没卖还是paper wealth,做成HOLOC拿钱出来花还是要还的。没卖没cashflow哦。肉联有米人多啊,又不赌不那啥的,没事上来发个帖聊聊天,气了去幸福家庭哪儿发泄求安慰或到觅巢那儿骂探长,钱就这么省下来了。
-quicksliman(Hangup on hard fatty);