And you too. "键盘革命家" is a compliment, thanks to you, the only thing original from all the meaningless posts of your time here as far as I can tell.
You know, people have different capabilities. If that is all you can come up with, why should people ask for more?
Not everyone understands dignity and freedom, let's say, you. It is obviously not in your junkie science package. Time to learn something new. Sometimes, you really really need to be a man.Quote: "他们视而不见,选择沉默,甚至嘲笑他人的抗争,本质不过是为自己的懦弱自私寻求借口,让建筑在他人牺牲基础上的自我实现变得心安理得罢了。他们也谈爱国,但这种爱更象是一块生意的招牌,他们爱的只是这个国家所提供的追逐利益的场地,爱所有有利于自己的规则和秩序,爱通过这一切累积而成的财富和名誉。"