First, a person riding a bike is treated as a vehicle. Second, who is at fault is determined by a rule call "Fault Determination Rules" in Ontario. So, why don't you post the details and let's see who is at fault?
thank!the light was truning to red from yellow when i acrossing the road, and i was hitted by the car came from my right side, it was going through the green light. So it must be my fault.
I don't think it's your 100% faut. Never say it's my faut, it's my 100% faut before the policmen say so. Only talking about what did you do to the policmen.
不一定是你的责任。1,这里一个路口的灯变成红灯后,另一个方向不是向国内立刻变绿。有一个延迟,主要是防止有黄灯没来得及停车的。所以你说你的方向刚刚从黄灯变,那对方的灯一定还在红灯呢。等撞完了你看是绿灯,但撞的瞬间应该是红灯。那就是他闯红灯了。2。这里自行车一般都优先,所以退一步,就算你有一点违反,汽车应该也避让。因为路口刚刚变灯,所以不太可能存在是刹车不及的问题。很可能使对方当时走神了没看到你。这就是careless driving。
he he ,应该担心的是他不是你,从你的说的看,你应该没责任。倒是他麻烦了。让他给你出钱养伤。
-johnnyhatesjazz(Rock and Roll);
so it must be my fault.
2.每星期二5-9PM在warden woods community centre ,74 Fir Valley Court(on warden ,between St.Clair Ave and Danforth Ave),,星期四5-9PM在2680 Lawrence Ave. East Suite 211(Lawrence Ave.East and Midland Ave.)有免费的,转为没Health coverage的人检查看病什么的clinic.我想你自己也该做一些检查和治疗吧.
祝好运, 以后还是小心点,遵守交通规则对谁都好.
Great argument!Again, as many people argued here, go to the court, and convince yourself that you are not at fault. This is important.
Another point may help, that you are just in Canada for a short time, while the traffic rules are quite different in China. But be careful to use this because you may make things worse.
That's a very good point. In China, the bicycle has more priority than the car under the same condition.So you can tell the court that you thought the cars on the other two sides(both your left and your right) should not start until you past the intersection. This will make a big difference.
Besides, don't admit you ran red light even the other driver and the witness said so.
-early30s(i am kidding);
I don't think it is 100% at your fault, perhaps 50-50.
-early30s(i am kidding);
1.It 's not the end of the world. 也许你能得到很多赔偿并改写加拿大交通法规。我同意 金字塔 的说法。一个教车教练的教练给我讲过这样一个故事:在一个很大的十字路口,一个闯黄灯的车辆 A 还没走出十字路口就遇到了变红灯,这时,与它相垂直的车 B 已经面对绿灯,启动,结果两车相撞,双方都没错。
后来修改了变灯时间。并要求 :B车起步前要SCAN INTERSECTION AND MAKE SURE THE INTERSECTION IS CLEAR。A车即使不能及时停在线内,那就停在线外。虽然停的不漂亮但安全。
You must not admit that you are at fault, even if you feel you were. You may not know all the facts.