everyone who can claim some employment expenses can lease a fancy car with before tax income, such as a real estate or insurance agent.
俺要有钱,也要show off :p
totally agree! people have right to show off the success they earned. but i just hate seeing people driving a mercedes s500 leave only 5% tip at restaurants.
good point. absolutely agree.
my apologies. i realized the same after i finished but i really didn't intend to write that long so i had to finish...besides, SUV is just another type of car. you don't have to drive every car in the world to know how driving feels, do you?
what you said is right, but that has nothing to do with your 1st post's title. We have enough hearsay around, and need more personal driving experiences, right ?
Question, my car is with an American brand, but VIN starts with J. Some said it is Japanese Made but sold out by American brand, is it so?
some japanese cars are sold under US brand such as Mitsbishi (pardon my spelling) are under Dodge in Canada. BTW, i'd better shut up this is not my usual obverser's behavior
感觉X5的视野有些窄.不如4RUNNER和PATHFINDER. 我个人首选PATHFINDER力量够又不象MDX和QX4哪样张扬.公司车库的车型分布.
1. CXO级 ------ 租车以美国车居多
2. Group Manager (some rich women even in low position) ----Luxury SUV or Car
3. Others --------- Just middle class maybe they have luxury car at home.