猴子 said"欢迎分享些国外的公益心得体会,个人也一直想去翻译些国外内容,让更多国人能知道些国外公益的方法" So I think before donate money, can we start to send them some electronic copy of how the local charity runs?A good charity organizer might be more useful.
Idea is good. However I believe the publish industrial need government approval. I heard even bible can not be published legally in China. Hope I am wrong.
my kids agreed to support one family,s kid. Cheers. Can we get some family,s info through this organization in order for us to send them some money and possible reading material as per ding ding,s suggestion
thank ysysning for post the pictures for kids to understand what is poor.
I would not think about it seriously. We offer our hand to help not expection anything in return as long as we may help. Even the worst situation, we can qualify all donation are for school supply.... How can we expect young kid independent.?