it is not fate. the father made a wrong choice when he knew about his diagnosis. at that point his wealth propbably meant more to his family than his "existence".
in case of terminal disease it is wise to make a judgment call whether to fight the inevitable or come to term with one's own end with dignity
and, life is only meaningful when you truly "live through" it. to merely stay alive is not doing a lot of justice to one's own life.
ha ha....你欠了很多债了...加拿大是社会主义,和美国不一样,也没有必要和美国一样...如果是右右,那现在就取消MEDICAL CARE,看看所谓的右右们可不可以接受.知道SPP吗?你写点有关SPP的东东吧,美国挺欺负加拿大的.....