I am not sure if u r the type of employee in reality, let us show u a simple example, at the end of year, the guy or woman whoever you think is under performance but get big bonus like 20,000$, u got nothing,or the guy who BS all year around got big job promotion and $$$, u got nothing, u r not telling us u still have good attitude, er?
why u couldn't change? if other guys can change it, why not you? tell me why? if they can turn around table, u said u couldn't, that means u r weak.
Ehhh...if he really has nothing better to do, it probably doesn't hurt to be a pain in his own neck just for fun.:-)
Wincity doesn't seem to be against crying itself -- as long as the baby doesn't trade growing for crying.:-)
Your response in English is as sharp as in Chinese, I really like it.But it seems that you really do not care what I say anyway, maybe I should just keep quiet. To use something that I learned from this post, I tell myself: hold a right attitude and move on!
I do feel that you have very high self-pride in the bottom of your heart.
agree. i myself often do the same - 声泪俱下地跟rogers or bell or banks or box stores who make lots of ridiculous human errors 发火. but not 真正生气,and 随时准备收兵,接受损失。 and often enough, my complaints do work.
-uptowngirl(若初 采香行处);
个人看法: 本文的中心思想就是逆来顺受(shrug it off and move on). 个人不同意LZ的观点. 个人认为应该具体问题具体分析. 你25元都要去争取, 那请问拆迁户怎么办? 由于腐败而产生的受害者又怎么办? 等等.