工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 最近太忙耽搁了一个 developer的进程, 她气得哼哼的, 我情急之下鬼使神差地说了一句you are a very nice person, 眼见着她的脸色由阴转晴,下班时又恢复了常态跟我还开了个玩笑。 嗨! 活了四十多年,早学会这招该多好啊。吃到甜头, 跟另一个同事顺便也说了句you are a nice person too 之类的玩笑话, 那同事也是乐得合不拢嘴啊!
平时大家都彪着劲地干活, 退一步海阔天空啊。夸奖别人一句能死啊!
you are a nice person。
I can tell that from their face, it's indeed. we were so working hard that I do not even feel christmas is coming.
I praise my team member at least 3 times a day. And I bring them treats or coffee once a week. This makes me go long way and get them do my job quickly.