我也同意LZ说的。calling other people judgemental is a judgement itself. 这当中我觉得当事人本人的confidence level也有很大的关系。很多时候,为了生存我们被要求fit-in,这样势必要做一定的compromise,影响到自己的自信心。be yourself说来容易,不容易
兵哥你涵养好, 这种情况还没有恶意。 我倒觉得她是故意的, 欺负LZ外来人, 不熟悉本地文化, 瞎忽悠。就象你说的, 生活中到处都需要JUDGMENT。 人的本性是一样的, 我们移民没必要怕冲撞谁而纠结自己。 When somebody troughs shit to you, just through it right back to him/her. 是基本的态度。让他们意识到也许他/她也要尊重一下别人的文化。
我觉得这位大嫂就一个词,少教。没听说人家私下聊天,不请自来,还指指点点的。这搁哪种文化里都是少教。娱乐界的人没人judge那就说明他/她不红。我可能会说“Excuse Me?” 她若敢重复我就说:“I couldn't believe you actually made a comment about my private conversation, and it was a judgmental accusation".
好吧,你也敢。觉的因为这个话题和大娘吵比较无聊,吵赢了只是说明lady gaga fake and superficial,并不能说明自己多 real and deep。如果是为了说明谁谁高尚而战,还能显示自己也在向高尚靠拢。
A person like her would not be your friend anyways. Why should you be afraid? Crap doesn’t deserve respect.
-thornthorn(Holy Moly);
She won't be your friend. It doesn't mean other people won't be her friends. If she have enough friends in this company, it will be likely that you may have more barrier than expected in the future.
Living with fears and worries is not fun. Be yourself is more important than just making others happy.
-thornthorn(Holy Moly);
Your words do make sense. However, I did find that being yourself is hard sometimes.