当然要写在xml, or, properties. 而不是写在code. Programmer writes code logic, DB Developer creates schema, business analyst creates validation rules. Now in Seam, Spring, they are all messed up.My framework has a distinct separation among those different domains.
"走的时候很惨的": 只不过你这样认为而已 --------- I 服 U 啦.
I'm not endorsing their behavior. As I said, they failed because they never cared to try. I don't believe one can't be productive in EJB after a month's hard work. These people are not "惨" at all. It's just your perception.
对滥竽充数的, 我一样深恶痛绝. But how long does it take an experienced Java programer to be productive in EJB? It's stupid for companies to require N year experience for this and that. The only way to defeat that stupidity is to cheat them.
no offense intended. i quite understand your position. i was talking about the indian guys he mentioned, not you. i used to have an indian co-worker like them, she sucks, everybody knows that, except the manager.
Agree.some people have many years of experience, but still does not know how to think. The most important ability for IT is to know how to think. That is a kind of talent, not something one can learn from experience. But only a few have this kind of talent. Most company only need average people to do some routine work which does not require talent, but experience.
Agree.... but can't afford the time to read books -- so read book abstracts instead.:-) Or just technical news -- 10 mins a day for a few years would mean a lot.
"只顾低头拉车,从不抬头看路": exactly. 绝大多数人既不是天才, 也不是笨蛋. The point of my "First Job" series isn't that I'm smarter; rather that with proper attitude and proper methods, one average Joe can easily get ahead of other average Joes.
言之无物我举个例子吧 W. Richard Stevens,作为Programmer,算是有天分了吧。他凭阅读Unix 源代码,写出了经典的Unix专著,在全世界广为流传。不过这不是什么一天学会别人学一年东西的故事,因为那根本不适用于IT。