Don't take me wrong. I wrote this article only as a memory of what I experienced in the past, not to complain the IBD job at all.In deed, I enjoy a career in financial industry and believe that's the right one for me. There are good days and bad days. When I look back, I feel pride and accomplished. Everything happens to us is a gift, as we'll learn, mature and grow. Every experience is a good experience if you take it in a positive way.
同意,就喜欢这样的生活, - There are good days and bad days, but never boring days.
Can not agree more: "Everything happens to us is a gift, as we'll learn, mature and grow. Every experience is a good experience if you take it in a positive way. " I like your attitude.
这是entry level 的attitude. 没有地位, 不设底线, 只有无条件的去奉献. 只有让老板更加无人情味的去索求. 这是very bad example of workplace ethics, politics and environment. 至于LZ的话,不过是受痛之后,聊以自慰罢了.
我顶烦的就是你这句话: "If I could go back to choose, I would choose IBD again.". 那些投行的头头们哪怕有点人性, 今天的经济形式就不会如此. 都说这是经济规律, 其实金融行业, 充斥着恶的人性.确希望你小小年纪,深思什么才是你最重要的东西.
bro bull, you are aged. your words make sense at your age but not applicable or encouraged for people who are young or who has a young heart.
I remember when I was suffering the endless traveling and long work hours and my mentor told me: "what you are suffering now is just what makes you become a real gig."
Agreed....However, there is 90% chance you will stay small, only those top 10s finally become a real big....but be ambitious, you might be the 10%. However, if you never try, you will never be the 10%.
Agree. Work and life balance is ideal life style but not practical sometimes, especially in early career hood. You pay more, you get more. 中国的老话,“吃的苦中苦,方为人上人”。
Agree that it's not the appropriate place for this article. Sorry for that. Could Ban Zhu please delete it or transfer to 情爱悠悠. Thanks.
this is quite right place to post this article. what's wrong with those guys?!
frankly speaking, this is your personal problem. You have your right to decide what kind life style you go with. Balance between work load and family is always a challenge.
it pays you big money
Recommend a movie for you: The Family Man ( Nicolas Cage)
-gotocan(Turn Over a New Leaf);
Spare 2 hours to watch that movie, which may change you, change your life
-gotocan(Turn Over a New Leaf);
Everything has a price la... You should have anticipated all this once you got your assignment, and arrange accordingly.
I guess LZ either new gratuate or be employeed with short period of time. Such kind of overtime is quite normal.. After you experience it more often, you won't have mood to write so much..
-6bear6(maple bear);
写的真好。看个电影吧 Click. 看得出你是个明白人。 It is not too late.