我们公司的internal auditor director level 1 是个从上海过来的中国女士,来了9年了,手下有各色人种。 她的people skill and communication skill is execllent. 大多数移民吃kui在这样的软肋上,你要注重这方面的能力。我在现在公司二年,从一个最底层的cordinator开始,现在是junior executive level,去年一整年是在公司的future executive training program.训练最多的就是leadership ,people and communication skills. 硬技 术活大家都能学会,要拼的就是leading ppl and team. 套一句广告用语“一切以人为本”,特别是大公司。 其实在大公司做到中层是不难的,要做到中上管理层那真得是软硬都有一套,我都能看到自已在未来三年内做到中层,如果我不想生小孩,一年半就可以了。
另外在加一句,从你的comment来看,你从内心就很against这里的很多文化和东西。任何国家都会有偏见的人,你要多看正面的。Be postive and focus on postive,还有不要过分敏感,要open mind and listen different perspective ,even sometimes they are very negative. 其实只要努力,你领导力,公司会提升你的。 Belive in yourself, you can make difference and you can make the change!
建议看一本书叫 From good to Great,讲公司culture and leadership development.。如果没有记错的话,那书里有一个叫Hedge dog concept,用这个概念来讲职业,有三种职业,一种是你与生俱来的本事,比如说超级歌手,一种是人家愿意出钱请你做的职业,最后一种是你最喜欢和最想做的。如果你能定位到 这三种理想职业的中间部分,就是你与生俱来,你非常喜欢做别人也能出大价钱请你做的职业,你就不迷忙了。不过这个要花很长时间才能找到,慢慢来。还是建议你多看一些讲公司文化,人际关系的书,这会对你有帮助的
说到From Good to Great, 这个书的作者和我们老板还有些渊源,曾经也在我们公司做过一些Resarch. 有机会倒是要看看。
after 7 years, your english still sucks
I think his/her English is not bad. What else are you expecting? Are you expecting a professional writer? Writing is not about elaborating; it is all about using the heart to write, to express authentic feelings.
Good for you! It is always nice to enjoy life, enjoy the sadness and happiness of making the life. Everything is possible! This is also what Canada tells me. Enjoy it, my friend.
please. english skills or grammar errors are not what we are supposed to see here. if there is any piece of word you can't understand, go ahead and ask, I bet that the post owner would like to explain.
I like the way you expressed your authentic feelings in this article which actually aroused the same feelings of the readers. Also expecting your next one about those miracle happened in your life.
Still remember, I was like him/her.... 瞧不出这句话哪错了?高人给指点一下,谢了! -
HereOther than a few typos, it's a nice article with no grammar errors. She can easily pass CGA. Her TOEFL is above 270/300, or above 650 if you are more familiar with the old score. People here are very mean and jealous about other's success. They don't understand proper English grammar so called it "mistake". If you want to learn English, learn from hers. I especially like her confidence and spirit. Thanks.
Agree, I am wondering why those people have to act like this,haven't they been taught that if you can't say something nice you just don't say it. why don't someone who picked on her English just step up and rewrite it and let's see what your perfect english is.
好奇问下, 是谁教你的:if you can't say something nice you just don't say it.?, 再解释下what your perfect english is. 是什么意思啊?
LZ写得很好,完全是自己的感受。但不知道为什么看着特别别扭,“a country makes me feel that everything is possible, a country makes me feel I am free“我无话可说,“a country that I am proud of”看着难受!我出国8年多了,但是我一直认为中国是我最值得自豪的祖国!没感觉当加拿大人有什么好自豪的?可能还没有无处其中真谛!
No offense. I think if you put "My wife and I...." instead of "I and my wife...." It will be easier for surviving in Canada. ^_^