"我个人不主张新移民立刻找工作"? be realistic , please... especially for those new immigrants already in their 30s... wives and children are at stake here ....
You are excellent at this point.But I still believe speaking and listening is the most difficult part in English for most of us.
Back to teleconferences, suppose the topic is the one you are not familiar with but you have to get in quickly, this could be a challenge. Even you can preside over a meeting, how long can you keep talking in a casual dinner with a group of natives?
I won't be supprised if you become a director of some organization, considering what you are saying about your self.
if you are feeling need it,it is aleays right to go to school.my opinion is whenever it is necessary to go to school for you,it will be always right for you.it really depends on your situation.I really want to go to school to get higher education here,but my job doesn't give me that much time though company would pay school fees.probably I will take some part time courses to improve myself,not for degree,not for job,I am feeling I really need it.
看来你是一个“世上只有读书高”,从骨子里看不起没有本地学位的人。和我的一个朋友差不多。他在德国拿的博士,多大的博士后。博士后结束时去了一家大型咨询公司。在那里工作时念念不忘要去当教授,坚持写论文,不断地申请学校的职位,结果本职工作不怎么样。幸好lay off时拿到一个偏远学校的offer, 40多岁的人去做assistant professor.