Yes, you can do that, and also you can combine the 2 JEs into one: Debit 400刀所买的东西, Debit GST Payable60刀, Credit Petty Cash460刀。It depends on your accounting system/software and/or your habit / your boss' preference.
这些数据不包括没有找到工作的,还有不愿意参与调查的(通常是低工资)。算算机会成本,如果用学会计的时间金钱投入,去干别的行当,也不一定低。8-10元不过是底线罢了,不干会计,就一定要去做Labour工吗?本来是有很多选择的,结果变成了非会计即 Labour 2选1了。
Please count the votes. Only half of the 800 people actually voted. A question about the results. Some people are at the final stage to complete their designations. Where shall they vote? 无证书?
关于记入哪个帐户其实不用太教条. lots of companies use "GST paid on purchase" and " GST received on sales" to seperate GST paid and collected.The difference will be transferred to "GST payble" if owing to government and "GST receivable" if there is a GST refund collectible when filing GST returns.
and some companies just use one "GST Payable" account. it all denpends on how you set your chart of accounts and how you plan to use them.
Technically, her mistake is not a big deal at all.