You're so kind! Thanks in advance.
You are welcome.
what did your wonder of Canada and you have the least preparing?and did you get University and how,and what you regard as the most important?And why do you make a homepage to show your Canada life and all?Thanks ahead.
I grduated in1989 with master degree in electrical engineering.I have pass IELTS with band 6.How can I find a job as soon as possible after I arrive canada?thanks.
之前看到过一篇介绍U of Waterloo的文章(在,总觉得怪怪的,他们的学校里很多地方还在用单显,教授的研究经费也是"共产主义"的,大锅饭,虽然U OF W在IT界上很有名,但是还是有会上一当的感觉,不知道有没有在U OF W的前辈,能写实的描述一下,也期待着能看到U OF T,U OF
和U OF YORK等等的前辈品评一下自己熟悉的学园,毕竟许多的大陆新移民(包括我在内)都是期望到加拿大后接受高等教育,再充一次电的!谢谢!
Faint, you choose school just for a color display?
Communism is a common phenomena in Canada. If you
are not satisfied with it, go to USA.
How much do you about UW so that you are feeling
cheated? Who is cheating you? Some many students
in UW do not feel cheated. So many companies which
enroll UW graduates do not, either. Why are you so easy to feel cheated?JerryZh. Have you been enrolled by UW? How much
do you know UW? UW's reputation is not from the
display, but its high overall quality of education.
take easy, you know what they don't know, you tell the truth,and then know if they really care about it. thanks
to U of W, if you apply for CS, take care about your mathematics, My major is MS, and I know U of W require strong background of Mathematics, you 'd better good as it, as far as I knew, for your reference, regards
non-sensei was from UoW engineering. i say it is classA program without hesitation. CS is beside my building, very famous in north america.
have u heard almost an entire class of CS move to microsoft just because they r from UW?
my program has strong affiliation wt industry (both ca and usa), the graduates are so welcome that no1 is unable to find a professional job.
btw i am working in detroit area
Do you only rely on Nasdaq for the rest of your life.
If you have opportunities to be a billionare in
SV, do not bother yourself in Canada. Ignore all
schools in the world. follow the example that BG quitted Havard U.
UW's undergraduate is very tough. Choose York and
try to graduate as soon as possible.UW's undergraduate is very tough. (the average of each course is just about 60-70/100, but students are required to maintain 65 in average otherwise they will be required to withdraw) Do not expect
you can graduate with easy as in China. Although
York is just a second class school, it may be easier for you to get your degree and then enter the labor market.
Hello,Dannyyang. 我将于August以移民身份到Vancouver.同时我已经在一个medical institute找到了一份工作(postdoc),这样的工作平时穿着怎样,一定很正式吗?不知需准备什么样的衣服。另外,我工作的地方在4480 Oak Street, 离UBC有多远?是在市郊吗?租房是否容易?多谢指
-cn21st(cn immi);
If in the lab, casual is ok. Your address is close to UBC, about 30 mins by bus.located in Vancouver city. House should be expensive.
Hi! How are you ?Dannyyang!my family will go to Vancouver in Jan,29,2001.would you like to give some suggestion and kindly booking a house for me?there are 3 people in my family.we are kind,non smoking .thanks in bedroom is OK,basement is all right because we don't want spend much money on it.better under $
It is impossible to book a suit for others in Canada,because I should sign an agreetment and pay a deposit for you ,and other problems, but i will try to find some informations for you.
forgive me for the mistakes,and thanks very much.yes,we need your help,thank you again.