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你把这事做完, you have more canadian experience. that is valuble. keep on going.
坛子里的能人请出来, 帮他把这流氓赶走, (想了一点)坛子里的能人请出来, 帮他把这流氓赶走, (想了一点)
1 赔偿时间损失
2 精神受惊吓(he yell to you) 那时大忌! (明天就go to clinic and sat to doctor: 记忆力不好, 睡不好觉, ..........)先有记录在(doctor--几年后都好使)(最好有人陪你). doctor will ask to you, you (or your wife )said: 收惊吓, (sb want to beat you and yell to you)(强调: 以前很好), 三五天后, 再去, 加重, (您要是打工, 停, )
3 欺负新移民的, 让他得不到好抱 (现在我还咬牙切齿)
That's fancy. the most important thing is make sure the dealer stop cheating. One solution is send complaint and close it. (I know another fancy word, 'terminate')
yes, my friend bought a 99 Camry 4cylinder from that garage 2 years ago, it costed him around $15,000. you would feed the car shaking whenever it get the speed more than 120km/hour.
写的好, 干的好! 不能吃哑巴亏认倒霉. BTW, 4100支票 you given it to the dealer is a personal check? (not certified check?). If the dealer accepts personal check, this dealer 够傻的.
确实, 车行这一单办了几件傻事因为金额小没有要求 certified check,
收到我的 personal check 后没有马上入帐。
在这方面沪光显得很大气。 不象一般偷鸡摸狗的收钱马上就揣起来。
i know most of the cars sold there are japanese cars. even if you do not mention the model, i can make a correct guess.