Right! Lot of Chinse people never learned how to behave in public place through their entire education. you can see those images on Rolia's party as well.
You missed the point. The parents either should not have taken their young kids to such an event; or the parents should have kept the kids in a separate play room if the kids have no interest in enjoying the show.It's a common practice and courtesy in the West for parents to leave the kid(s) with a babysitter or relative if they want to go to a concert or the like.
You miss the point, 从演出开始到结束参与演出有30-40名4到8岁孩子,他们不演出的时候在后台和走廊挨冻吗?我就坐在一群孩子中间,他们很可爱。门票上只说是春节联欢晚会,没有说小孩不能带,按传统喜庆日子为何不能带孩子
there is nothing to do with those lovely kids. It is not kids' fault. Their parents are the problem. They can either not come to the show at all or have someone else babysit their kids. This is a common sense in Canada.
-wmd(Do It Yourself);