Help me please!我们来了两个月,打算买一辆93年的DODGE VAN,G2,可是该死的汽车保险贵的我心惊肉跳($360-520 /月),请教各位兄弟姐妹,怎么才可以拿到合理的价位.($150-250/月),友人建议我加入一个协会,参加团体保险,可我不知道该怎样与那些协会联系上啊.咱刚来,找不到组织啊!!那些啤酒协会什么的,要怎样才能入伙呢?多谢
你是TORONTO的吗?Tell us where are you please? The car insurance is difference from aeras. Thanks
Auto insurance renew in MonnexMonnex will increase my premium when they renew my insurance next month. In the past year, I have no accident, no demerit, no claim, and no adding other driver. When I asked them the reason, I was told that everyone will face with increasing premium when their insurance is getting renewal. and their attitude is so arrogant that they told me you can shop around if you do not like this price.