“We bleed the same blood. We share the same home. And we salute the same, great American flag. We are one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God. “
你对你自己讨论的问题知道的不多。 我的建议是不要轻易下结论。 多学习。
至于你说的“上层支持者” 我建议你读读“ The Right People" and " American Nations"来了解一下美国的富人和美国早起的民族区域文化对美国政治的影响。
I have problems with comedians getting into politics on their performing platforms in general,including Jon Stewart alike. But keep in mind and in the context of previous words from Trump about Mexicans are rapist /Haitians refugees eat cats on dogs. I find this Tony guy ‘s words extremely racist.