划黑板敲重点:“we should stop assigning work to people on weekends.It’s not healthy in the long run and will damage team morale much more than a potential issue from RC xxx. Our people are the most precious thing we have, let’s treat them accordingly.”
我让ChatGPT 修改一下,这个言辞应该更委婉一些?Perhaps we could consider refraining from assigning work to our colleagues on weekends? It's important to prioritize their well-being and team morale,which could be negatively impacted more by working on weekends than by any potential issue with RC xxx. Our people are our greatest asset, and it would be wonderful to show them the respect and care they deserve.
我的理解是我头儿拒绝让周末加班成为一个公司的文化和风气,偶尔一两次可以,但是在可以避免的情况下真的最好不要,公司也经常强调work life balance的文化,她这样做确实是对公司的moral有益处的。之前一次周末加班很多人都有怨言了呢。我们年假有四周,但不是硬性,有需要的话可以请年假超过四周(有薪)。其实加班是可以补休的,反正假期没硬性规定。美国公司都是一两个月发奖金的吗?我们是看公司的业绩季度发奖金。