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工作学习 / 事业与工作 / Two Job OfferI got an offer last Dec and signed it. Now, I got another one and I prefer the new one. Could anyone tell what legal responsibility I had when I sign the first one? How should I turn it down? Thanks.
容易, 你还在实用期里容易, 你还在实用期里, 你可以说经过这段时间的工作, 这里的环境不适合你发展. bye bye now
尽快写信给前一个, 很客气, 很感谢, 很遗憾...然后说你的另一个OFFER离家近, 老婆更喜欢什么的找些理由...然后再OFFER SOME HELP, 比如推荐朋友(合格的)或者其他什么的...妥善处理, 因为世界很小, 说不定又转回去了