本来可以很简单的事情叫你搞复杂了 --- 最简单的:在搞定 server patching 后,*晚上* 发一封邮件 “Server patching is done successfully. @teamlead I will be working from home tmr to get task1/task2/etc done.” - that's all that lead asked for...
It's well known that you do not have to give explanation for privacy reason. big companies have training about this. make sense?
EQ太低了,要想办法去当老板。 LZ complained a lot about the situation, i.e.“我这样的每年performance 拿高分,在各种会议中以小职员身份顶替缺席的领导力挽狂澜打破官僚壁垒为纳税人省下大笔经费提供优化解决方案的人”, “这个组长是窝里横,出去就是小绵羊。我们组被欺负的不成样子了. 该领导开会不去开会,被别的组决策牵着走,我们组成了任人摆布的最下游”. Isn’t this a perfect opportunity for a promotion? Once he/she becomes the boss, he can change the toxic environment and treat all team members with respect. A win win solution.
小题大做了,还CC manager. 你下次想wfh 就不易了。
简简单单答,i am not feeling well to come to office this morning. I will try to wfh and follow up some issues i addressed in yesterday midnight.
这样还不算用了个sick day.
第一句 I understand, 让你感觉接近。然后一针见雪的写出主要问题不是你work from home 這件事是你的 沟通的问题 email,沒有說為何没理由 的 wfh. 一种给人感觉你不respect 制度和他的感覺。