从来散户就没有多少机会, 什么看图啦, 分析经济数据啦等等, 跟在Las Vegas那些人拿着张纸在roulette前做分析没啥区别. 我的提议呢就是forget about day trade, find a day job, 有空做几个swing trades, 10-20 pips 赚点外块就赶紧逃.
Oh yeah, let me predict the reaction when some of you guys read the above link: "shxx, I don't even understand half of what the article is about"... well, fact check, guys, if you don't even understand the rules of the game and how your boss (market makers) works, how do you expect to get some changes from his pocket???!!!
从来散户就没有多少机会, 什么看图啦, 分析经济数据啦等等, 跟在Las Vegas那些人拿着张纸在roulette前做分析没啥区别. 我的提议呢就是forget about day trade, find a day job, 有空做几个swing trades, 10-20 pips 赚点外块就赶紧逃.
Oh yeah, let me predict the reaction when some of you guys read the above link: "shxx, I don't even understand half of what the article is about"... well, fact check, guys, if you don't even understand the rules of the game and how your boss (market makers) works, how do you expect to get some changes from his pocket???!!!