Becker 的 dirty Mnemonic还是很有效的。象consolidation and pension accounting口诀一背就齐活儿了。能省不少记忆时间。当然理解是少不了的。Let me know if you don't have Becker FAR notes, I can send you a copy.
-buickregal(One-Way Highway);
I never heard of it. Pls email me a copy. Thanks !!!! PMed you.
Sent to you. I just compared Becker note chapter 6 about pension accounting with CFAI FRS book page 101 first paragraph. They are consistent so I guess the note has been updated to SFAS 158
-buickregal(One-Way Highway);
Let me know if you have questions. PM me or send me email
Thanks. aha, it is for financial analysis.