But you donot expect to hit a jackpot job here in Canada; instead you come here to experience a totally different culture and life here, isn't it.
Salary level in freight forwarding and logistics is shabby indeed in this country as it doesnot strictly require certified skills or higher education background; If you want to earn well, you have to make a hard decision, go back to school, choose a different major, say financing, marketing, IT etc. And then when you land a job in those afore-mentioned industries, you will be eventually well-off with average pay from $60,000 to $12,000.
If no, then you might as well sit back, relaxed, content with what we're paid in this industry $25,000 - $45,000 which is not that bad and perhaps you even can enjoy some overseas vacations each year!
Salary level in freight forwarding and logistics is shabby indeed in this country as it doesnot strictly require certified skills or higher education background; If you want to earn well, you have to make a hard decision, go back to school, choose a different major, say financing, marketing, IT etc. And then when you land a job in those afore-mentioned industries, you will be eventually well-off with average pay from $60,000 to $12,000.
If no, then you might as well sit back, relaxed, content with what we're paid in this industry $25,000 - $45,000 which is not that bad and perhaps you even can enjoy some overseas vacations each year!