There is 9 sentences in deed. And it just said she can't find bugs in my codes..etc...And the speed etc... and the coding style....
I worked in MS and IBM, and I believe they are. I don't care if there is any Chinese there and take good position and have great influence. I am myself, and if I am there, friends will greet me, project will be more fun, and things will be going good.
我始终觉得如果你觉得别人对你像二等公民,那是因为你自己有这个先入为主的感觉。Self-protection but in a negative way. 我的上司是个老印,有次他称呼我为Chinaman, 并说这样称呼很自然,我马上正告他,中国人对这个称呼,有种出于历史的耻辱感,"Chinese" OK.