Have friends or family be your audience, rehearse a couple of times. And let them give your some comments. From my experience... try to slow down when you do your presentation, don't read every slides from start to end.
所以他叫Patrick Wang
haha, that's what I thought!
更狠的是我几个星期前就给起好了,然后二虎硬是推迟四天产期赶St. Patrick Day出世.....
prepare completely1 the best thing to avoid stress is prepare essencially
2 give the outline of the presentation, the main p[oints are no more than 3 or 4
3 find the examples to illustrate the points
4 begining should mention the subject
5 at the end give the conclusion and the future problems
6 at last, when you've down, don't say anything exept thanks and walk down the platform.