If you don't know, let me tell you, Your CEO, yes, the CEO in your company made around 5 million CA$ last year in Salary only, not include Stock Shares.pls compare him with the CEOs in China, do you get the idea?
You said your friends are in Senior Management Level in China's big company, what is your position in your current company? If they are not the same, do not compare your salary or your life standard with theirs, cause they're in MAJOR SOCIETY there in high level, which you are NOT here!
上回我去scarborough town center办证件. 一看$1/小时. 一天封顶也没几块.
Downtown Toronto parking $3.5 for every half hour and $20 per day. Is it cheap for you?
I don't think so. Of course if you want to park some expensive place you can find it. If you park before 9:00,many parking give you very low price.
Untrue. CRA keeps a close eye on tax payers, especially small business owners. Please don't say anything you don't really know. It only discredits yourself.
Most people go to ER are poor people. If you have good imcome, how come you and your family members health is so poor?
good points! 其实争来争去,无非就是:爱清静的留下,图热闹的回去;重视大环境的留下,留恋个人小环境的回去;不介意做个好士兵的留下,非要做元帅的回去;喜欢天空(自由)的留下,喜欢大地(踏实,熟悉)的回去。。。。。
No Census since 2001. Could household income increase double digit in a few years? Do you really believe that 10年以上的员工没有一个年薪在10万以下的? Be realistic and learn more about how do Canadians live.
-axe(Just A Joke);
"这位省级的副总也很平易近人,竟也借着见他公司股东之际赏光见了下我。" So Chinese. In Canada, any MP even Martin or Harper meet me, I couldn't use these words.
国内住房算“公摊面积”,号称130平方的可能实际就100. You pay 管理费 in Canada partly for the “公摊面积”.They can maintain our living environemt.20% condo price can pay many years 管理费 in Canada.And in Canada 管理费 is including utilities, gym and swimming pool. If they are included in China, the 管理费 couldn't be ¥2/平.
"小区有比较完善的保安,效率不知道,不过不必象加拿大被人砸了挡风玻璃偷东西没人管。" Did you meet this situation? Many such experiences in Canada?
That's very bad managed apartment around fairwell mall. When I was living in a Mississauga apartment, we had security staffs walking around our building at late night even in cold winter.