City bylaws have some requirements for 出租房. You have to meet those requirements. You may get the information kit from city offices. BTW, "被房东捉奸在床"? Your means 房东offer sex service too. I don't think so, You are dreaming.
it is you who are always dreaming. i do know there are some requirements, but i don't know why you are sure that others' rental businesses are illegally. show us if you are not dreaming
Just read his article, you will find out.
You are not a mentor for everybody. Learn how to respect others. You forget WHO you are and WHERE you are. You physically stay in Canada, but your thinking still in China. 你入乡不随" 俗", Poor baby !
Business is Business,既然要赚钱,就不要怕麻烦,如果你不喜欢房客就让他们走,装一副仁义道德,只会让人觉得你虚伪
自从来加后,我一直租房子,但我实在不能苟同huimin的观点。。。既然是租用,就好比借别人的东西一样,尽量要爱惜,大家同在一个屋檐下生活,起码的尊重要有,当然房东房客的出发点有差异,房客要住的舒服,房东希望费用小,其实根本上没有太大的冲突,看这个房东,不是过于苛刻的人,我想他的基本意思是希望方可别太造(应该叫瞎折腾吧),呼唤公德,这是我想说的,几次在swimmingpool 的更衣间,看到有人长时间占用shower, 在仅有的一个小更衣室里迟迟描眉打脸,it is a shame. 想说的很多,简单表达几句....