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工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 有些人知道我在TORONTO时(偶尔/经常:)搞一些聚会, 讨论一些技术问题和创意. 现在虽然暂时在硅谷工作, 但仍然希望和大家保持联系.
how is the job market in silicon vally? and what is the prospect for a canadian to get an offer there?
It is still not quite exciting. VCs basically stopped new investment. The companies have products have to strive to get enough cash.Lot of office buildings are empty. The rent of apartments are lower (may be the only good news:). But living expenses are still pretty high in CA. Well, if you have the citizenship, you can at least try. I would like to provice any help for what I can.
good thinking....
-zhoulang(Lion Sleeping);
多谢支持. EMAIL地址中请删掉.NOSPAM. 其实每次我都感慨万分: 中国人里的能人太多了...怎么样多创造些机会?
硅谷人去楼空 何去何从?(Please click the link)