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Some difference thought.

For the sub-compact or compact in canadian market, the basic car will be around $16000-17000+tax. The only options are auto trans and a/c. For $2000-4000 more, you can get ABS, power group, cruise control, sunroof, allywheel, remote entry, spoiler, etc. So the 17000 you paid is just for a transpotation, and the other $2000-4000 is for your convenience. The things is we are living in NA, the country lives on the wheels, for a lot of people, they spend two or three hours on the car very day, then driving becomes a part of life, an unique culture here. So don't let driving bacome some kind of boring, it should be a fun, the car should be a part of our life. Treat your car well, bring something to your car. Maybe it will be 2000 or 3000 more, but it bring you to a little bit different feeling.

I am not pushing very body to full laod their car or laughing at whom is driving a basic modle. Just want to give us a different view point on buying a car.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / Alloywheel 要多花1000多CAD, 请教各位行家,到底能带来什么好处,值么?先谢过!
    • Looks cool!
      • pay more than 1000CAD just for cool looking?
        • Of course there are some benifit on alloywheel but it doesn't worth that much. The money you put on alloywheels is for a better apperance, a unique personality. If your vehicle hunting is budget oriented, don't go for it.
    • 重量轻,加速快,省油,坚固不易变形。最后是好看。值不值要看1000多对你来说是多还是少了。对我来说,不值。
      • Thanks eglington. 准备买车,想事先确定好配置. 你的车装了Splash Guard Set(应该是挡泥板) 了么? Civic的83CAD,如果不装有什么影响么?
        • 我的车是最低的配置,除了自动档和空调,啥也没有选,连转速表都没有.如果你说的是挡泥板的话,对于corolla是default的.买车这种事,完全是个人的考量(台湾话).我的建议:量力而为,够用即可,200匹马力只能增加被警察捉的可能性
        • For me, after driving a basic Corolla for more than a year, I would rather my car be loaded with power window and remote entry.
        • Some difference thought.
          For the sub-compact or compact in canadian market, the basic car will be around $16000-17000+tax. The only options are auto trans and a/c. For $2000-4000 more, you can get ABS, power group, cruise control, sunroof, allywheel, remote entry, spoiler, etc. So the 17000 you paid is just for a transpotation, and the other $2000-4000 is for your convenience. The things is we are living in NA, the country lives on the wheels, for a lot of people, they spend two or three hours on the car very day, then driving becomes a part of life, an unique culture here. So don't let driving bacome some kind of boring, it should be a fun, the car should be a part of our life. Treat your car well, bring something to your car. Maybe it will be 2000 or 3000 more, but it bring you to a little bit different feeling.

          I am not pushing very body to full laod their car or laughing at whom is driving a basic modle. Just want to give us a different view point on buying a car.
          • very good point. Worth reading