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◾Only ticks that are attached and have finished feeding or are near the end of their meal can transmit Lyme disease. After arriving on the skin, the tick that spreads Lyme disease usually takes 24 hours before feeding begins.
◾Even if a tick is attached, it must have taken a blood meal to transmit Lyme disease. At least 36 to 48 hours of feeding is required for a tick to have fed and then transmit the bacterium that causes Lyme disease. After this amount of time, the tick will be engorged (full of blood). An engorged tick has a globular shape and is larger than an unengorged one.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 宠物乖乖 / 想领养只小型的狗陪孩子玩,不知道哪里有?
    • 你可以是spca,付一点很少的费用就能领养一个。如果你是想让狗陪小孩玩,你会失望的。第一,不是每个狗都会“陪”小孩玩的,那是要教的,大多数人不会教AND大多数狗学不会。第二,就算你会教而且你的狗学会了,大部分时间是你照顾狗和陪狗玩。
    • 如果是玩的话,看看能不能买个什么玩具,养狗比买玩具贵多了。你养了狗就等于签了一个15,20年的无上限的玩具合同,你去店里买玩具,就买那么几年,孩子大了,就不用买了,而且,还有各种选择。
    • 狗不是玩具,是一个生命。她意味着责任。要有绝对的心里准备。
      • +1. 我们邻居就是,孩子吵着要养狗,然后就养了,然后养不下去,养到10个月的时候到处找地送出去的。。。一定要想好了,等于收养一孩子,至少10来年的COMMITMENT。。。
    • 狗最好从小开始养。很多坏习惯/脾气等成年了是没法训练的。
      • 其实从小养,但不会训,结果还是一样。每个狗都是从小长大的,不在我家也在别人家。我是觉得有些领养的狗比从小养的好,还是看主人。
    • 我当时也是孩子要狗,不出2个星期就热情退却,然后这狗把我拴死了8年,投入的钱,时间,精力,难以计数,你知道看病要多少钱吗?还有小时候夜里不睡觉,一宿一宿陪它熬夜.....
      • LZ被我们打击的都不愿意来看回帖了。LOL
        • 我们两口子现在就常说,家里小狗养老送终后,谁也不许再提养狗,互相督促.
      • 俺家滴狗儿从进门第一天就是俺照料所有吃喝拉撒。。。。无论春夏秋冬风雪雨署陪玩陪遛陪发呆。。。。结果。。。。还是跟孩子最好。。。。
        • 怎么知道跟谁最好?我们家的好像最不听我儿子的话。
      • 我们家前2天带去VET那体检,就量了下体重,全身摸摸,听听,打两棉疫针,200大刀没了。。。
        • 对了问了一下TICKS的问题,他说(不知道对不对),不是所有的TICKS都带LYME DISEASE BACTERIA,即使带菌,也要48小时才会完成传播,所以去野外回来,及时检查并拔去TICKS,就没事。。。
          • 不是48小时传播,是48才能爬到皮肤,ticks爬的慢
            • 不是慢,是要先吃饱。真会享受............. +1
              ◾Only ticks that are attached and have finished feeding or are near the end of their meal can transmit Lyme disease. After arriving on the skin, the tick that spreads Lyme disease usually takes 24 hours before feeding begins.
              ◾Even if a tick is attached, it must have taken a blood meal to transmit Lyme disease. At least 36 to 48 hours of feeding is required for a tick to have fed and then transmit the bacterium that causes Lyme disease. After this amount of time, the tick will be engorged (full of blood). An engorged tick has a globular shape and is larger than an unengorged one.
        • 来福弄个第耳朵的药,50还是多少的,人用的那种才10多。
      • 还有就是把人栓死了,爱旅游的就得想想了。去远点的地方得把狗先安置好,寄养狗的费用可不低,加起来恐怕比一趟的飞机票都高。。