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Last week, I observed two parking lot hit during three days period. Sometimes, your parking choice would pose you to higher risk.

Case one, the store vehicle owner/employee parked the car alongside the front of store for convenience for short term. But the Asian lady could not back out her Hyundai small car
out from the parking lot correctly, big bang. The store guy was nice to let the lady go, as only small crash seen.

Case two, in a stone market, two vehicles backed out. The left one was so focused to see the right one, and hit the car parked at its bask side.

You just can not believe this happening...
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  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 君子不立于危墙--谈趴车
    Last week, I observed two parking lot hit during three days period. Sometimes, your parking choice would pose you to higher risk.

    Case one, the store vehicle owner/employee parked the car alongside the front of store for convenience for short term. But the Asian lady could not back out her Hyundai small car
    out from the parking lot correctly, big bang. The store guy was nice to let the lady go, as only small crash seen.

    Case two, in a stone market, two vehicles backed out. The left one was so focused to see the right one, and hit the car parked at its bask side.

    You just can not believe this happening...
    • 精就这样被取走了? 楼主对不住, 说实在的我都没看明白你想说什么.
      • 好像是说 看到 two parking lot accidents.
        • 新司机问老司机说, 现在车祸那么多, 如何避免呢? 老司机说, 哦, 注意不要被别人的车撞到了. - 精华! 字字猪鸡的.
      • 是, 蒙BZ错爱,改了精华. 我的意思是, 在这危险的时代, 要 defensive parking.
        • 没觉得版主爱你, 这是把你架火上烤呢..哈哈. 如何"Defensive Parking" 你原帖也没说不是?
      • 哈哈哈。。。笑死老农民。。这就是车坛的水平。 周末快乐
    • case report=精华? Am I in "mad cow disease" or what? 来人啊,把“我”拉出去毙了! LOL...
    • 前不久有人问Caravan Caliper Seize 怎么修, 看链接里我三果哥的贴子, 这才是精华贴呢. 楼主对不住, 不是冲着你, 你也就随手一贴, 我就觉得这车版精华贴的标准实在太不统一了.