不同意。既然是Home Theater,就不要设计成Family Room或是Recreation Room。你可以网上查查Home Theater的layout,一般Sub和设备都是在旁边的位置,就是为了给出一个清晰和完整的视频屏幕。专业设计的Home Theater都有设备室,专门用来放设备。设备出了是Receiver,还有其他的,比如DVD/Blue Ray Player, Media Center, 比如我会放台小的笔记本电脑,用来看电影。当然萝卜青菜各有所好。
two cents
1. The lighting on each side of the screen is too much, it could cause distraction to enjoy watching the movie;
2. The pot light above the screen is really unnecessary; you don't need lighting over there;
3. The centre speaker should be better above the screen and not easily to be seen;
4. The stand speakers should be better pushed back so it won't cause too much distraction;
5. Move the TV stand to somewhere else