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sorry to hear this

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛About
1st interview: you already knew the reason
2nd interview: I believe they should have checked out resume, how come they still bring there and ask you that question? Probably you should go through your resume again and review every single detail to find out anything may cause misunderstanding.
3rd interview: I already gave you my thoughts
4th interview: you did good, but another guy did better than you. don't blame yourself too much. It happens that you felt great about your interview, but the truth wasn't that it was not that good. That wasn't your day. About the friend you mentioned who got the offer. I guessed she just wanted a co-op job which paid much less than yours, besides she had a local education.
5th interview: The guy just wanted an execuse to get rid of you. Probably you wasn't that kind of person they wanted. So it still about your backgound.

1. Engish is very important. But don't put everything on it. Sometimes I asked them to repeat their questions too, but never felt that was the reason I didn't get the offer.
2. I suggest you review your resume and your answers again. Though sometimes you thought you answered correctly, but in fact you didn't. Make a list about the questions they asked you along with your answer and ask your friends' opinion about it.
3. I can tell you had a pretty good backgound since you had so many interviews. Let's just say you need more luck, which is very important for a job seeker at any time.
Take it easy and keep going.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 一个月内五次IT专业工作的面试全部失败,心里真不好受。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛月初第一次 皇家银行 programmer 面试时间40 分钟由于连着两个问题没有听明白,回答的稀里糊涂。自认失败原因在己。英语实在重要! 十天后第二次 一家机器制造西人公司 web developer 从进门到出门不超过五分钟,对方极为简单得问了一下‘有没有工作经验’,我回答--有一年工作经验, 但没等我详细说明对方即宣告结束-- “今天先到这里,以后再和你联系!“ 既然没有诚意招人,还让我来干嘛。 七天后第三次 另一家空调西人公司 web developer 面试时间35 分钟面试前仔细研究过这家公司的网站,找出4个错误。于是在面试的时候一一指出,最后对方很不高兴--都是他作的!我不是给他难堪,是想帮他。事实上,最后他也因为设计的网站错误较多而被革职(我有位朋友在这家公司任职),目前这家公司暂时没有招人的计划。 一天后第四次 一家大型专业网站设计西人公司 web developer 面试时间45 分钟面试前仔细研究过这家公司的网站,找出5个错误!吸取上次教训,在面试的时候只指出一个错误。对方是项目经理。他对我的技术赞不绝口,我个人感觉也不错,所有问题都明白。但是最后还是招了个本地的白人。这是让我最伤心的一家公司,为什么会失败呢?到现在也不完全明白。我的朋友的同学的朋友曾经在这里做过几个月的实习工作(面试后才知道这个消息),据她讲她面试的告诉对方对网站开发不精通但可以尽力去学最后得到offer! (她是转行学电脑) 如果这是真的,那么到底根据什么来给offer呢? 六天后第五次 一家体育用具制造西人公司 web developer 电话面试 时间25 分钟电话里对答还可以,只有一次没听清请对方重复。快结束的时候,对方忽然问我目前住哪?我随口答道‘scarborough’(心里很奇怪,简历上有我的地址啊)。对方立刻说‘恐怕不行,我们公司在密西沙加,离你的住址很远,你上班会迟到的!’ 随即说‘再见‘挂掉电话。这是让我最愤怒的一家公司,有用这样的理由来拒绝的吗?我难道不会搬家吗?对方到底打什么主意呢?从公司的网站和招工广告上看很正规。 啊,加拿大,让我欢喜让我忧......更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • How do you get so many interview opportunities?
    • My opinion
      1. "我回答--有一年工作经验", 对方可能找一个senior。
      2. 也可能我的水平还没有到能指出别人错误的时候,不过我还是觉得在面试中说他们现有的错误,还是一个非常敏感的问题。很容易使interviewer产生抵触心理。
    • 欲加之罪,何患无词!朋友,你没有什么可抱怨的,他们除了英语以外,我看没有什么比你更强的了!和这种鸟人在一起工作,你会气死的。没有Offer也罢。再碰碰运气吧。Good Luck!
      • Most white are very nice. The senior and really capable person I met are all whites. They are very focused. Besides English, their communication and attitude is excellent. Communication is NOT just English.
        • So you are lucky. The people you met are all very kind up till now. I wonder if you can meet nice people all the time.
          • It does not matter what kind of person you met. It does matter if you have the capability to manage the conflict.
        • Agree! like nice guys. Be nice to nice, be rude to rude.
    • sorry to hear this
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛About
      1st interview: you already knew the reason
      2nd interview: I believe they should have checked out resume, how come they still bring there and ask you that question? Probably you should go through your resume again and review every single detail to find out anything may cause misunderstanding.
      3rd interview: I already gave you my thoughts
      4th interview: you did good, but another guy did better than you. don't blame yourself too much. It happens that you felt great about your interview, but the truth wasn't that it was not that good. That wasn't your day. About the friend you mentioned who got the offer. I guessed she just wanted a co-op job which paid much less than yours, besides she had a local education.
      5th interview: The guy just wanted an execuse to get rid of you. Probably you wasn't that kind of person they wanted. So it still about your backgound.

      1. Engish is very important. But don't put everything on it. Sometimes I asked them to repeat their questions too, but never felt that was the reason I didn't get the offer.
      2. I suggest you review your resume and your answers again. Though sometimes you thought you answered correctly, but in fact you didn't. Make a list about the questions they asked you along with your answer and ask your friends' opinion about it.
      3. I can tell you had a pretty good backgound since you had so many interviews. Let's just say you need more luck, which is very important for a job seeker at any time.
      Take it easy and keep going.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 你是不是可以作FOLLOW UP, 再跟这些公司联系一下,问问是什么原因他们没要你,指出你有什么地方需要改进。JUST MY THOUGHTS.俗话说,脸皮厚吃个够。
    • 能有五次面试说明你的简历很成功。有的时候面试时不只是看你的技术,在native人眼中,personel占很大比重。
      good luck
    • 我觉得你在面试技巧方面还是有可改进的地方的。有没有读过《Knock 'em dead》?我觉得这本书的确是本经典的好书。
      • 运气不好的话,什么书都没用。
        • 我觉得不能全赖运气的。我相信事在人为。
          • 如果employer不想要你,说什么都没用,如果他真觉得你的SKILL能给他带来PROFIT, 语言什么的都不是大问题。
            • 关键是如果知道规避一些面试时候的DON'Ts,有一些很靠近自己的机会就不会脱手。
              • MM,没有定规的DO或DONT,面试成功于否一看你的背景是否恰好适合人家的需要,二看你的情商(怎样调动人家要你的积极兴).不过吗我相信你是一定行的娄.
                • 多谢鼓励。:D
    • not bad, you got 5 interview in 1 month, not too far away from get an offer.
    • 不奇怪啦, 我都试过连续3个月几乎周周有面试都搞不定的记录. 那还是快2年前的事了... 别灰心, 有恒心者事竞成!~~
    • 我看了一下你是3年制的COLLEGE有一年的CO-OP。但看来你对IT工作的市场还不是很了解。你的学历和CO-OP帮了你的大忙可是你不知道如何利用,当有些问题是个人性格方面的。如果需要的话,我可以给你一点建议对你找工作会有帮助的。
      • 我可不可以也听听你的建议?
        • 他的情况比较特殊,是临门一脚的问题,我有些建议。
          • 那我们也旁听一下嘛。
            • 我看了一下他在CHINASMILE论坛上的发言。
              他的经历以及许多人的经历都说明加拿大不少雇主对IT WEB DEVELOPER的技术要求并不高,需要老实肯干听话语言能沟通的人。
              • Thanks a lot.
    • 我和你也差不多。一起继续努力吧。

      第一次是从Calgary找上我的,当时说的很好,临说完时还特意叮嘱我,如果一个星期内没有电话,让我给她打电话。之后我打电话过去,她跟我说,这个职位一定要canadian citizen。

      第二次电话一通,首先问我是不是canadian citizen,然后我问来这边多长时间,我回答后马上跟我说,不行这个职位(ERP)需要很高的英语水平。我壮胆说英语应该没问题,可人家根本不信。


    • 你 离 成 功 已 经 不 远 了, 别 灰 心, 再 坚 持 一 下
    • cheer up, you will be reaching your goal. my current employer interview me 5 times to give me job.
    • 有个做web的朋友说发出很多简历没回音,不知你怎么有那么多面试机会。
    • 你真行, 拿了那么多面试!