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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1999.07.07 Last Update

面试会遇到的问题 http://martinjiang.126.com

1Q When were you born?

A I was born on March 1, 1970.


2Q Where were you born?

A I was born in Changshan county, zhejiang province, China.


3Q Marital condition.

A We were married on January 1, 1990 in Tianjin.


4Q How about your wife?

What is her major?

A She was graduated from Tianjin University. Her major is English.


What kind of job does she do now?

A She is an English teacher now.


5Q What kind of hobbies do you have?

What do you usually do in your spare time?

A I spent most of my spare time studying computer, especially about Internet. I like to search information, build my personal Website, Ftpsite. I got in touch with my friends through sending and receiving email. Some times I chat with my friends or call them with Internet Phone.


Do you have anything to add?

A I like to listen music, cook meals.


6Q Have you ever got a bachelor degree?

A Yes, I’ve got a Bachelor of Engineering Degree.


7Q How about your major? What kind of courses have you ever had about your major?

or In your opinion, do you have any courses which were connected with your major?

A My major is Electronic Equipment and Surveying Technology of Electronic Engineering.


Basic of Circuit Analysis

Electrotechnical Exp. & Measuring Techniques

Analog Electronic Circuits

High-frequency Electronic Circuit

Digital Logic Circuit

Analog Electronics Exp.

Computer-aided Design of Circuit

Application of Analog Integrated Circuits

Electromagnetic Field & Wave

Microcomputer Principles & Application

Digital Circuit Exp.

Exp. of High-Frequency Electronic Circuit

Electronic Surveying

Design of Electromagnetic Compatibility

Electronic Instrument Principles

Design of Intelligent Instrument

Measurement Techniques & Data Processing

Computer Operating System


8Q How about the result? Have you ever got any Honor or Price?

A I’ve passed all of the courses. No Honor or Price.


9Q How about your English? (Oral/Listening/written...)

A I think I should improve my oral English level, you know, I haven’t too much chance to practice oral English in China.


10Q What other kind of school have you ever entered?

A Since I’ve graduated from Tianjin University, I work hard all of these years, some times I must work day and night and I must learn a lot of new knowledge relative with my duty, I haven’t opportunity to take a full time class. But I’ve taken some training relative with my duty.


11Q Which state or even the city does you want to immigrate?

A Toronto, Ontario.


12Q Do you know any famous cities in Canada?

A Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Ottawa.


Toronto is provincial capital of Ontario province. It’s Canada’s industrial, financial, and commercial center. Lake Ontario port and Riverdale Park are there.

Montreal is chief seaport of Canada. It’s Canada’s industrial and financial center. Mount Royal Park is there.

Vancouver is Canada’s chief pacific port. It is Canada’s manufacturing center. Chinatown, Exhibition Park and Stanley Park are there.

Ottawa is picturesque federal capital. Parliament Buildings and Peace Tower are there.


13Q Have you ever plan to continue your study after your immigration?

A Yes. In fact, I am studying every day. As you know, the technology changes too quickly, if I can’t keep on studying, I’ll be lost. I must study, study and study. After I got a job in Canada, I’ll consider taking part time study to get a master degree.


14Q Why do you want to leave China permanently?

A As much as I like my country, I do not think that there are much prospects for a future. I would like to be able to settle down in a country that is more politically stable. I believe Canada holds a bright future for me.


15Q Have you been to Canada before?

A No.


16Q If you have never been to Canada, how do you know that you will like it?

A I have many friends lived in Canada, they keep me up to date with news of Canada. And the earth becomes smaller because of Internet.


17Q Are you willing to take "any other job"?

A I am very interested in my job field, I don’t like to change it. There are many computer companies in Toronto, I needn’t to change my job field too.


18Q There is a recession now in Canada. Jobs are difficult. Do you think you can find suitable employment in Canada?

or What makes you believe you are qualified to work as such in Canada?

A I am confident I can offer my expertise to my prospective employer in Canada. I have a great deal of training and experience in my occupation. My job field is the base of computer industry, every hardware company needs it, so I believe I can find a suitable job.


19Q How much money do you intend to bring to Canada?

A I have assets of mare than RMB150, 000 as transferable money.


20Q Do you think you can take Canadian winter?

A I know that it is very cold in the winter, but I am a very adaptable person, so I think I will become accustomed to the Canadian winters relatively easily. My friends in Canada have adjusted very easily to the winters. I also know that homes, schools, shopping centers, cars, buses, etc. are all heated, so exposure to the cold is limited. I do not think that I will have a problem.


21Q Why do you have to hire a lawyer?

A I am busy with work usually, it’ll save me much time to hire a lawyer.


22Q What did your lawyer tell you to say in the interview?

A Always say the truth.


23Q After you have landed in Canada, do you plan to go back to China?

A I will settle in Canada, stay permanently in Canada and make Canada my home, although I will return to China on vacation.


24Q How soon are you planning to immigrate to Canada?

A I’ll go to Canada in 3 months after I received my visa. During this time, I need contact my friends and lawyer to rend house and introduce job for us. I also need time to prepare the luggage, you know, it isn’t a normal travel.







25Q Could you describe your job duty?

or Can you express your major extensively in your job?

A I spent most of my time on making project, designing circuit. Contacting and serving clients are the parts of my duty. As a leader of a research group, arrangement and management are the parts of my daily job. I’ve worked for about 6 years,my duty is designing varies power circuits for power supply or equipment.


26Q What training did you have to be an electronic engineer?

A Most of training came from component manufactories, such as Texas Instruments, Motorola, Linear Technology and so on. They brought many new components that we are interested in. And I’ve ever got some training for EDA tools, such as PROTEL and VIEW LOGIC.


27Q What skills are involved in your current occupation?

A As an electronic engineer, you must be able to design analogue and digital electronic circuits, draw them with EDA software, operate computer masterly, consult date book easily. In addition, experience and originality are the most things difference you from the normal engineers.


28Q Have you done anything in your job which is connected with English?

A Most of the components’ date books are printed in English. Most of the equipment’s guidebooks are printed in English. Most of the Website are built in English. Especially when you use computer, you must read and write English all the time.


29Q What do you find to be the most challenging and difficult aspect of your job?

A I think the most difficult aspect is I can’t get enough information in my field, but it’s become better and better recently because of Internet. It’s very important to do designing standing on the shoulders of older engineers. The component is also a problem, we’ll need more than 6 weeks to make an order from abroad, in some conditions we can’t wait so long time.


30Q How many years have you done in your field?

A About 6 years.


31Q Why do you want to immigrant to Canada?

A For a better future for my wife, my son and I. As you know, in Canada there’s better environment, better education, fair competition and I think we’ll get a better career.


32Q Do you have any friends or relatives living in Canada?

A I have several closed friends in Canada.


33Q Do you have anyone who can help your settlement in Canada?

A My lawyer and my friends will help us settlement in Canada. In fact, even if without them, I’ve found many Chinese communities in Toronto, they can help us too.


34Q Do you know anything about that field in Canada?

A Yes. I’ve searched computer hardware companies through Internet, I’ve found many companies in Toronto. As you know, power supply is the base of any computer hardware, so according to my work experience, I don’t worry about if I can find a job. The question just is how soon I can find a job and if I can find a better job position than I do in China. I’ve contacted some of them through email. Of course, I know I can’t apply an engineer job before I got a Canadian engineer license. But I think I can get the license within 2 years, before that, I can take some technologist or technician job.


For example, I found a computer company named Amsdell Company. One of their products is a kind of build in power supply for desktop computer. It’s very similar like my Safer UPS, the difference just is I am early half year than them. I sent an email to them told them we’d got the same thought they got very surprise. I also told them some technical tips I’ve got and them got very happy, them hope me to meet them in Toronto when I got there.


35Q What do you want to do after you immigrating to Canada?

or If you success, what do you see yourself doing 5 years from now?

A I think the most important thing is getting a suitable job. Before I get the visa, I'll search Canadian job market through Internet. I'll contact every opportunity I've found. I know it's really a way to find a job, especially a computer-related job. I also know in Canada, more than 80% job positions are not advertised, many employers ask their employees and friends to refer qualified persons. I'll ask my friends collect job information for me. I am clearly it's hard to find an electronic engineering work immediately when I arrived Canada. I know that I must get an engineer license in Canada before I can find an engineer job, it need at least 12 months, and I also must improve my oral English level before I can get a satisfied job. So I think I can take some technologist or even technician job first, during the work, I can improve my oral English level and master the Canadian professional engineering law. I know there'll be many difficult things to a new immigrate, I believed I can make it. I prepared enough money for our family for 2 years, I believed I can get a job during so long time. In fact, I think I'll be able to find a job within 3 months with my friend’s help.

After I got a job, I'll do my best to do it, as I work in China.

I plan to buy a car in 3 years after I arrived Canada, and I believe 5 years later, we'll be able to buy our own house in Canada, and make Canada our second homeland. Own a house with a green grass garden is our dream of.

I know there’ll be many things happen within 5 years, we’ll find our suitable steady jobs, our son will go to school, he’ll grasp 3 kinds of languages and we’ll maybe have a daughter.


36Q Are you familiar with the job market in Toronto?

A I know more than 80% job positions are not advertised in Canada. Many employers ask their employees and friends to refer qualified persons. So I think my friends and Chinese communities in Toronto can help me. Except that, I know newspapers and Internet are the another job sources especially for technical information companies. I’ve found many website such as job bank, job agencies and so on.


37Q Why do you think Canada is a better place?

or What do you know about Canada?

A I know Canada is a beautiful, peaceful, and clean country. The people are very friendly. It is politically stable, and democratic. Canada provides excellent opportunities for people who want to work hard. Canada has a wonderful standard of living. The health care system is also excellent. Canada is a multi-cultural society, where I can retain my culture and background and still feel that I belong here. Even the United Nations has recognized Canada as the best place to live. I know that Jean Christine is the Prime Minister of Canada and the leader of the Liberal Party. Canada, U.S.A and Mexico signed the North America Free Trade Agreement in 1994. The population in Canada is approximately 30 million. Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories. Canada has 2 official languages: English and French.


(Attached is job description of your intended occupation in Canada. You should be familiar with the same. You should not memorize them but use them as a guide in discussing your personal experience as it relates to the occupation. You should mention all your experiences, whether they were acquired in your present job or in previous ones. The idea is to show that you had actual experience in your intended occupations.)

At the conclusion of the interview, please ask the Interviewing Officer whether you have satisfied all criteria. If Immigration Officer tells you that he/she has to think about your application before recommending visas, ask, "what is the area that you require clarification?" and provide explanation until he/she is convinced.


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