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我现在就坐在Call Center里呢,不过接电话不是我的主要工作,我说两句,献丑了。


Constructing the Call - If for a Service Call

Standard Greeting -- Consistency -- leads into first open-ended question.

Listen -- Use active listening skills; ensure you get all the information before responding.

Acknowledge -- Show empathy.

Explore -- Open-ended and closed-ended questions to get full understanding of the problem.

Respond -- Provide customer with solution or a statement of what to expect if not resolved.

Close -- Confirm customer satisfaction; thank customer; offer ongoing support.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Problem Solving Model - If for a Problem Call

Clear define the problem

Analyze the problem

Generate solutions

Select the best solution

Gain approval/support

Develop the plan


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 请问坛上谁有应聘过Call Center Representative的经验?据招聘的公司说要做2个小时的TEST,不知道会Test什么内容。急盼告!
    • 哗,你english和french这么厉害?!:O
    • Guess: typing? Listening & Oral English? industry knowledge?
    • 我现在就坐在Call Center里呢,不过接电话不是我的主要工作,我说两句,献丑了。

      Constructing the Call - If for a Service Call

      Standard Greeting -- Consistency -- leads into first open-ended question.

      Listen -- Use active listening skills; ensure you get all the information before responding.

      Acknowledge -- Show empathy.

      Explore -- Open-ended and closed-ended questions to get full understanding of the problem.

      Respond -- Provide customer with solution or a statement of what to expect if not resolved.

      Close -- Confirm customer satisfaction; thank customer; offer ongoing support.

      * * * * * * * * * * *

      Problem Solving Model - If for a Problem Call

      Clear define the problem

      Analyze the problem

      Generate solutions

      Select the best solution

      Gain approval/support

      Develop the plan

      • 啊?胆敢泄漏公司机密:O :P
      • 谢谢。请问你在call center里是做技术工作么?我的一个朋友做了好多年call center的技术工作,不知这种工作好不好找?
        • english and attitute
    • 坛上有谁做过CSR呢?能否介绍一下经验?我的朋友对于能否通过测试和胜任这种工作还是心里没底。
      • 我去应聘过,考试很简单,听录音啰,把相关地址信息输入电脑,比如姓名,电话,地址,货物代号,数量等。听个十来个就差不多结束了。然后面试。难的在于:
        我们不太清楚人名如何拼,街道名如何写,反正当时我是猜的。还有我测试的时候听的是美国版的,要求写州名的两个字母缩写(比如FL for Florida,MO for Missouri等等),这个嘛平时多看看电视报纸什么的就知道了。

    • 我做过几个月,给你一些经验把
      经验:输入数字用小键盘,千万别用大键盘,太慢,大量使用缩写,比如说:customer可以缩写成cx,call back缩写成cb.
