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you can

pls read my apply for another quiry abv you.

the revelent web site is www.osap.com

There is no limit for one year residence. Well, for those who stays in
CANADA for less than one year, you can only get CAD 6500 for 2 semesters.
For who lives in canada for more than one year before they get involved
in any full time study, you can get CAD500 per week. That is a lot!!!

So, feel free to Canada, the government treats you like a baby. Good Luckk.

If you need further information, ctc me at edwardjiang@hotmail.com
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 请教移民后上学要带学费生活费问题 要带多少钱?如果到了加拿大之后立刻申请入学, 并且申请贷款,平时打工也算上,有没有前辈的经历?
    • 着急呀!!!
    • 呼吁:有这方面经历的朋友请答复一下好吗?我也非常想知道这方面的问题!!!
    • 读书的我不了解,就说些我知道的吧, 日常开支:

      Food: $100

      Housing: $300
      (the cheapest in Toronto, one room only.)

      Telephone: $50

      If you take public transit, about $90 in Toronto.
      • What Sallor was talking about is a minimum survival figure.
        I would say for a single $600-650 is reasonable. If going to school, minimum tuition fee nowadays is $3500 up for citizens or landed immigrants depending on the schools and area you intend to study. Then you have to add up textbooks etc. At least $10,000 is needed for a year.
        • You may be mistake in tuition fee for a term. It is 2400$ for a term (4 months).
      • My list: Food: $200 Housing: $400 Telephone:$50 TTC:$90
    • You can not apply student loan within one year!
      You have to physicaly resident in one provience for at least one year before you can apply for loan.

      sorry for that.

      • There's a difference between Provincial loan and federal loan.
        If you live in Ontario, you have to live here for at least 12 months before you can get provincial student loan.

        But the federal student loan doesn't have such limitation. You can apply for it soon after your landing.
        • but someone told me,I won't get provincial student loan in the second year if I apply federal loan in first year,is it true??
          • I don't have the official documents in my hand. But I haven't heard of such limitation.
          • 你觉得四年之后的本科毕业,还会有现在这么抢手的计算机工作市场吗?那时侯,网络,计算机和网络普及程度的提高,大量年轻就业者的加入,还有你的岁数...还想学计算机吗? 她是你的最爱吗?
            • 我实在不喜欢计算机的工作,可好象别的又难以找到工作。 大家都说除了IT,其他行业找不到工作。不学IT,学啥?
              • 也不能那么说。主要是在professional的工作当中,IT对英语的要求相对较低,较适合华人新移民。 你喜欢什么样的专业工作呢?
                • 不瞒大家,我的专业是MIS,按理说和管理、计算机都沾边。 我本人对偏人文的东西更感兴趣,象咨询、传媒、广告等。 我周围的人都说这些专业在国内还行,到加拿大搞简直是白日做梦。学了也找不到工作。我申请计算机纯粹是为了生存。前两天去某大学学ORACLE,感觉象填鸭一般,
                  • 哈哈,既然如此,何必受罪哪?其实现在学计算机的也许够多了吧。我想也许在国内如能更好的恶补一下口语,也许更好。其实还是有别的工作可作的啊。另外我现在只有哪个带洗手间的套间还没租出去,450/月,包水电。
                    • 还有别的工作是指什么工作,能细说说吗? 另外你在温哥华吗?
                      • 女孩子在温哥华比男的工作机会要多,可在贸易公司,旅游公司做文员,如不怕辛苦,也可找到cashier,waitress的工作。对了,我是住在温哥华的Burnaby,Metrotown附近。
                        • 多谢回答。请问女孩在加拿大大部分都从事这样的工作吗? 申请这样的工作要什么条件? 另外读计算机的女性毕业后都从事什么工作,是程序员吗? 我认为和男性相比,没有优势
                          • 我认为那些只是过渡性的工作,,只是为解决生活必需。一定要在本地上学,积累些本地经验。
                  • 其实你可以当成留学,三年之后在回国闯天下,一有英文,二有中文,三有中、加两地经验,四有加拿大的世界通行证(入籍之后的加拿大护照,比大陆的有用多了),你再做营销,咨询,传媒,广告也不晚啊?
                    • 很有道理。(点头) 只是等Cindy读完了,可能就不想回大陆了...呵呵,会发现加拿大多好啊。
                      • 谢谢朋友们, 我也知道应该先读个计算机,在加找个饭碗再说别的,生存要紧。理想归理想
                  • 天啦,我也是学的所谓的MIS.请问你是那个学校的?我对这个专业深恶痛绝,什么也没学到。为了申请只能把它往计算机上靠。我现在来只是在申请过程之中,又谈有什么真知烁见请转告!
                    • 我是北京某高校毕业的,之所以不写出来,给学校留点面子吧. 咱们申请计算机可能要先学习桥梁课.发MAIL给我吧
                      • 我也是可恶的MIS,不知马上去加拿大学什么好?
    • you can
      pls read my apply for another quiry abv you.

      the revelent web site is www.osap.com

      There is no limit for one year residence. Well, for those who stays in
      CANADA for less than one year, you can only get CAD 6500 for 2 semesters.
      For who lives in canada for more than one year before they get involved
      in any full time study, you can get CAD500 per week. That is a lot!!!

      So, feel free to Canada, the government treats you like a baby. Good Luckk.

      If you need further information, ctc me at edwardjiang@hotmail.com
    • 如果一切如君所愿,落地后口袋里面最多有CA$1000足矣。
      • 都干什么哪??1,000块?
    • 在EDMONTON留学,靠打工能维持学习和生活吗?还是根本不准打工?