本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛4.仔细听问题, 确保明白问的是什么再回答, 没听清可以再问. 在回答问题时想要借机表现自己很好,但不要离题太远. 偶老板有一个每次必问的问题, 就是你最喜欢什么样的老板, 什么样的同事. 可是有三个人都没有直接回答问题, 而是转为描述自己技术和处理问题的能力. 结果被头儿认为communication有问题而废掉, 只有一个被偶强力挽回. 目前见到的鬼子的答案: 尊重, 信任, leadership, knowledge…
5. 尽量不要说任何过去任职公司, 老板,同事及所做工作negative的话, any negative expression could be interpreted as potential personality problem.
6. 面试前仔细看job description, 越是对方强调的 (most of the time it is something used on daily bases), 如果一点都没用过, 千万不要说have lots of experience, or no problem. 因为一旦说了, 后面会有一堆进一步的问题等着你, 如果答不出来又不能自圆其说, credibility就没了. 其实每个人都有自己的闪光点, 同一部门除了当前的position外, 可能很快还有新的职位贴出, 但如果credibility没了, 这扇大门也就关上了.
7.楼上wi-fi说的很对, 读懂job requirements,真正了解招人公司想要什么样的人,然后针对需求做好homework很重要。对于job requirements中的重点, 准备好自己做过的项目的细节. 技术上的问题无非是Do you have experience of design/create/use…? The next will be “Please describe how you designed/created/used..”然后深入展开… 做好homework不容易, 但在有相似backgroud candidates竞争的时候就看谁homework做的好,赚的positive score最多, negative point最少.
其实这些都是面试的基本要点, 只是以前处在被interview的角度从来没有想过问某些问题的目的, 比如”What do you know about our company…” 是想知道if you really interested in working here, how serious you are, and if you are a responsible person…
Anyway, I just have 2 weeks of experience as an interviewer, looking at things from a different angle. Hope the big guys constantly interviewing other people could share more.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
5. 尽量不要说任何过去任职公司, 老板,同事及所做工作negative的话, any negative expression could be interpreted as potential personality problem.
6. 面试前仔细看job description, 越是对方强调的 (most of the time it is something used on daily bases), 如果一点都没用过, 千万不要说have lots of experience, or no problem. 因为一旦说了, 后面会有一堆进一步的问题等着你, 如果答不出来又不能自圆其说, credibility就没了. 其实每个人都有自己的闪光点, 同一部门除了当前的position外, 可能很快还有新的职位贴出, 但如果credibility没了, 这扇大门也就关上了.
7.楼上wi-fi说的很对, 读懂job requirements,真正了解招人公司想要什么样的人,然后针对需求做好homework很重要。对于job requirements中的重点, 准备好自己做过的项目的细节. 技术上的问题无非是Do you have experience of design/create/use…? The next will be “Please describe how you designed/created/used..”然后深入展开… 做好homework不容易, 但在有相似backgroud candidates竞争的时候就看谁homework做的好,赚的positive score最多, negative point最少.
其实这些都是面试的基本要点, 只是以前处在被interview的角度从来没有想过问某些问题的目的, 比如”What do you know about our company…” 是想知道if you really interested in working here, how serious you are, and if you are a responsible person…
Anyway, I just have 2 weeks of experience as an interviewer, looking at things from a different angle. Hope the big guys constantly interviewing other people could share more.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net