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刚才去做了,还是值得我们去的. 关于父母移民部分的问题,主要有:

What do you consider to be the most important element of the parents and grandparents program?
Allows for family reunification
Allows newcomers to better integrate in Canada since they have their family network with them
Allows newcomers to work since their parents and/or grandparents can care for their children
Allows for the transfer of cultural identity to the next generation

In your opinion, should parents and grandparents be given the same application processing priority as spouses, partners and children?
Do not know

How should Canada handle the current backlog of parents and grandparents applications?
Select all that apply.
Increase the number of parents and grandparents allowed into Canada each year
Limit the number of people allowed to sponsor their parents and grandparents
Do not accept any new applications until backlog is eliminated
Not applicable – the parents and grandparents program should be eliminated

In your opinion, what is the most important change that should be made to the parents and grandparents immigration program?

Require that the majority of their children live in Canada
Require parents and grandparents to pay higher fees to cover the cost of social services
Require sponsors to be better financially established before they are eligible to sponsor
Require sponsor to be a Canadian citizen
Require that the parents and grandparents be able to communicate in one of Canada’s official languages
Allow only those parents and grandparents to apply who are fully financially dependent on their sponsor and have no other close relatives in their own country who are able to assist them
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 同志们,为了我们的父母,现在加拿大移民部网上征有关移民配额等民意.大家赶快去填,越多人支持父母移民越好! http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/consultations/index.asp。
    • Let Yourself Be Heard
    • 刚才去做了,还是值得我们去的. 关于父母移民部分的问题,主要有:
      What do you consider to be the most important element of the parents and grandparents program?
      Allows for family reunification
      Allows newcomers to better integrate in Canada since they have their family network with them
      Allows newcomers to work since their parents and/or grandparents can care for their children
      Allows for the transfer of cultural identity to the next generation

      In your opinion, should parents and grandparents be given the same application processing priority as spouses, partners and children?
      Do not know

      How should Canada handle the current backlog of parents and grandparents applications?
      Select all that apply.
      Increase the number of parents and grandparents allowed into Canada each year
      Limit the number of people allowed to sponsor their parents and grandparents
      Do not accept any new applications until backlog is eliminated
      Not applicable – the parents and grandparents program should be eliminated

      In your opinion, what is the most important change that should be made to the parents and grandparents immigration program?

      Require that the majority of their children live in Canada
      Require parents and grandparents to pay higher fees to cover the cost of social services
      Require sponsors to be better financially established before they are eligible to sponsor
      Require sponsor to be a Canadian citizen
      Require that the parents and grandparents be able to communicate in one of Canada’s official languages
      Allow only those parents and grandparents to apply who are fully financially dependent on their sponsor and have no other close relatives in their own country who are able to assist them
      • 最后附带的问题中,当然要减少难民,难民费的钱比父母移民多多了。
        • 是否请大家填写这个建议: 把“担保父母和祖父母”改成“只担保父母”? 这样在一定程度上可以减少父母移民的数目。
          • 同意!
    • 大概要花半个小时,因为还要读一下背景材料。不过挺好的,起码有个渠道可以出声
      • 在不同的网络上做几次,我回家再做,积少成多。
        • 谢谢提醒,回家再做一份
          • 可以在一台电脑上做2份吗?一份我的, 一份老公的.
            • 可以每天在同一台电脑上做无限多次.
    • 谢谢,刚做完。
    • 父母移民酝酿新政需要你的积极参与!
      友情提示:大家按自己情况(如多种建议),可以反复无限次在规定时间内(August 29 to September 19, 2011)多次填写该表格。
      选择Complete the online questionnaire [Open from August 29 to September 19, 2011]
      • up
      • 刚刚做完,也希望更多人能支持父母移民.
        • 刚做完.
    • 差点错过了,请版主加加精吧,让更多的网友看到投票,谢谢。
    • immigration levels should be maintained, increased or decreased? 大家怎么回答的?想减少其它类别的移民,但又怕影响父母移民的速度。。
    • 已填,观点如内。
      • 加拿大的经济类移民,包括投资移民才是社会垃圾。
      • 加拿大政府已经在修改移民政策了(提高投资移民上限), 因为发现搬来了不少垃圾(经济类移民垃圾). 所以以后这些垃圾很可能自己玩自己. -2009majia2(还是白住); 12:21 (#6893431@0)