你这个人啊,不了解加拿大的文化,以后要吃大亏。你见过几个真正犯错误的纯正加拿大人说“sorry”的?安省司法部长杀了人也没有说“sorry”,他要是当时说了,估计也没法不起诉就被释放。相反明明是你踩了别人的脚,对方会说“I am very very sorry",
"I am really sorry",这就是加拿大文化。
解读一下,当你拿我没办法的时候,我会说"I'm sorry.".当你能够威胁我的利益的时候,我会说"Sorry, this is not my fault".
"You misunderstood"是不是"你误会拉"的意思. Oop, sorry, I was kidding :-)
You would only be 无知无畏无奈无出路 if you over-exploit confidence -- not by possessing confidence.
"You misunderstood." -- is a good example of elegant demonstration of confidence. You dismissed the accusation with no trace of desperation, and move on. How elegant it is!
On the other hand, "Frankly I don't give a damn." -- kind of reaction is only justified by extreme circumstances, and should be used in caution.
Of course, extreme circumstances do arise in reality, and sometimes warrant an extreme reaction. What's important is -- try not to lose your cool, and stay elegant.
What do you think about this ? (#6817639@0)
-thornthorn(Holy Moly);
Take some time off rolia -- the world outside is much more meaningful.
你来了加拿大以后最大的变化就是变得自信了,good for you,congratulation。。。但是,如果我分析的话,你专业过硬,工作顺心,可能加上性格也温和淡泊。有很多专业过硬但工作并不顺心的,有很多国内很牛来这里很失落的,你也许在国内很一般来这了反而牛了。。。不能以一己之体验来抽象概全。不信你去做做销售、管理或其他所有靠人本身(而不是技术手艺)的工作试试,看看你还怎么有粪土别人的心态。
红卫兵的“粪土”观点是举了老毛说老张的“张国焘同志犯了严重的路线错误”的例子。"you misinterpret" vs "you misunderstand me" 跟“张国焘同志犯了严重的路线错误”vs“张国焘同志误解了我党的路线”是不是有类比性?