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Join the union and protect yourself! Here is the URL of The Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees (UNITE) and it seems there are many chinese members there.

- UNITE represents 25,000 workers in Canada and over 250,000 workers internationally.
- UNITE bargains contracts, seeks to improve work standards and build worker power in our economic and political systems. UNITE's goals are to organize the unorganized; to fight for our members' jobs by defending our contracts; to mobilize for a workers' agenda and to fight sweatshops through international solidarity.

(Union needs to be certified to be bargain agent at your plant, which may take time and will need a vote)

National Office
15 Gervais Dr., Suite 401
Toronto Ontario
M3C 148

Tel: 416-441-1806
Fax: 416-4419680
Toll Free: 1-800-268-4064

e-mail: elvira@unite-svti.org

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 刚听房东讲她工作的制衣厂连窗户都没有,这么热天空调也不开,风扇也不装,已经有人晕倒了!工人还不敢有怨言。。。。唉,简直是现代包身工。
    • She may make complaint to the Department of Labour, Ontario.
      • 她说这样她就找不到工了。我觉得关键是这些华人厂没有工会。个人的力量真的很可怜。在21世纪的加拿大,这种事与环保工人的罢工相比较,简直是莫大的讽刺。
        • She may ask to keep her name secret when she makes complaint. But I guess her English might be a problem, right?
          • 我觉得这和E文没有关系。
            • Sorry, I didn't say it clearly. I meant she might have problem explaining things clearly in English, when making complaint. But she may ask for Chinese service.
      • 如果他们投诉之后没有解决问题,你是否会负责解决呢?还是就会在这里说大话?
        • 是的,我也觉得一定没用,否则现状不会一直维持着。她们每周工作6天,每天至少10小时,8小时外既不按加班也不按调休算。
          • 在加拿大, 权益都是靠自己争取的. 公务员的工会就是为了自己的利益. 没有别人会为我们操心.
            • 这样的事都是华人制衣厂才有。那些香港老板一定和你是一样的心态。
              • 不明白您为什么这么说. 如果老板违反劳工法, 可是员工不投诉, 那靠什么来终止老板的违法行为?
                • 话说到这个份上,没什么好争的了,你我不是同路人。
                • support my babe becky!!!!
            • 你去组织一个工会试试,看加拿大政府会如何对待你.华人到加拿大来多少年了,难道就没有一个想过你提的问题?可现状呢,你能改变它吗,如果你能的话,我愿意随你去干,并且不要分文报酬.
              • 星岛日报有自己的工会, 都是华人员工.
                • 行道日报好象归TORONTO STAR报业集团, 他们有工会是由于这个原因。
                • 那是制衣厂吗?你是哪儿地方人士啊?
              • 恩。我愿意做这个VOLUNTEER
          • call labour board. 她们试过了么?
            • 您说工会吧?。。。。唉,您怎么这么冰雪聪明也有范糊涂的时候呢,没见说,没有工会吗?
              • 每个省都有labour board。我刚刚问了同事。
                • 还是专门的行业工会或者该厂有工会比较有用。前面也讨论过了,您再学习学习?
                  • becky, 如果员工以工作条件恶劣,引起精神和身体上的损害来SUE老板会不会更快? 我刚到公司的时候HR特意询问我们对工作环境的意见, 后来听说是有人以空调太冷而引起痛风为由在家歇着那。
                    • 您那不还有HR吗?而这里说的衣厂啊,没那么多道理可讲的。我有时觉得农场的牲口可能都没这么可怜。因为农场主还是疼惜它们的,毕竟培养一头牛或一头马花费了心血,而衣厂里的工人没这么金贵,还有很多人在门外等着呢。
                      • 可是人在加拿大不也是一样吗, 都热晕了老板还不怕, 这也欺人太甚。 我相信报警一定有用, 但是后果是工厂被关, 还要再找工。
                        • 我早说过了就华人衣厂这么血腥。您琢磨琢磨吧。
                    • sounds so childish(dont bite me...), i always consider life beyond money.
                      • because u have a good papa. So jealous!
                        • come on, babe. u believe what i said? if i have a good pa, i will stay in china and wait for our pa to find me a even richer husband... rich gal dont have to come here la...
    • babe, i hope it is no you who suffers so much~~~ tears*_*
      • 是啊,打死我都不敢去了。还不如回家卖红薯呢。
        • 反正这苦我是吃不了,嘻嘻,好在我脸皮厚,混不下去我就回国,那里有空调,还有老娘的笑脸,555555555555555
          • 什么工可以靠厚脸皮混啊?:-)
            • hehe, just rely on our papa, let him find me a job, hohohohohohohohoho; if he cant, i will eat him a big eveyday, hiahiahiahiahiahiahia
              • 恩,这天下富爸爸都是一样的,而穷爸爸各有各的难处。
                • if i had a good pa, would u marry me, honey?
                  • 你又来调情了!当心土豆条训你!
                    • dont tell me that u r jealous, hiahiahiahiahia -_^
                      • 你干吗删自己的帖子?
                        • do u really care me so much???
                          • 你真臭美!
                            • agree
                              • ni bu ai wo le? nan dao ni zhen de bu ai wo le?? //heartbroken
                            • why so angry? simply because i can read ur mind, hohohohohohohoho
                  • 真抱歉,我是女的。也不搞同性恋。
        • Âô土豆条吧!
          • 我不爱吃那玩意。
    • 工会是有人数规定的。300左右。所以一般华人厂没那么大,如果有比如我们的,就分成两个分厂,不过你可以WSIB等方面去找厂里的麻烦,或告诉政府什么消防,安全等不合格,或告诉政府超时干活。等,反正和国内一样,
      • 据我所知,加入工会是没有人数规定的,但有时需要投票且多数通过。每个LOCATION(不管是不是分厂)需要单独CERTIFY。
        • 我是说,如果你的工厂要组织工会就要人数够。
    • 看来在哪里当labour都一样。
      • 本人亲身经历。
        • 国内不要讲了,不一定是LABOR这样,有法不依,执法弹性的事不要太多哦,所以纵容了那些私企老板。然而,这里不是加拿大吗,而且西人的衣厂没这么血腥的。就搞不明白那些同样黑皮肤黑眼睛的东西就这么狠心残害同胞。
          • babe, take it easy. there must be some people kind, some inhuman.
            • 你出现了?昨晚溜得快
              • en na. i went to bed after u said u were drunk and wanted to sleep a~~~
                • 你小看我酒量啦。嘿嘿
                  • how much u can drink a?
                    • 你带酒来TORONTO啊,我们面试一下。呵呵
                      • 怕怕了,我不喝正好,一喝就多。周一个捷克我就什么都不知道了。。。
    • Join the union and protect yourself! Here is the URL of The Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees (UNITE) and it seems there are many chinese members there.
      - UNITE represents 25,000 workers in Canada and over 250,000 workers internationally.
      - UNITE bargains contracts, seeks to improve work standards and build worker power in our economic and political systems. UNITE's goals are to organize the unorganized; to fight for our members' jobs by defending our contracts; to mobilize for a workers' agenda and to fight sweatshops through international solidarity.

      (Union needs to be certified to be bargain agent at your plant, which may take time and will need a vote)

      National Office
      15 Gervais Dr., Suite 401
      Toronto Ontario
      M3C 148

      Tel: 416-441-1806
      Fax: 416-4419680
      Toll Free: 1-800-268-4064

      e-mail: elvira@unite-svti.org