其实,除非是你老板自己的公司,大家都是打工的。所谓“本职工作”都是相对的。这件事我帮了你,老板,下件事我可就指望你帮帮我 - I mean, during the performance review cycle. 这些事谁也不会明说,但大家都心照不宣。工作中总有特例,总有刺头,总有人想占你便宜。这时候,你朋友圈的力量就显出来了。得道者多助,在哪里都一样,尤其你曾经帮过你老板的时候。
My day to day work list:
- do sales a favour by helping close the deal so that they can get commission
- do delivery organization a favour by ensuring enough service hours are included to make a profit
- do customer a favour by making their IT managers look good in front of their boss with a success project
- do management a favour by stepping in to troubled projects
- do peers a favour by praising them to their managers
- do myself a favour by doing all the favours above
My day to day work list:
- do sales a favour by helping close the deal so that they can get commission
- do delivery organization a favour by ensuring enough service hours are included to make a profit
- do customer a favour by making their IT managers look good in front of their boss with a success project
- do management a favour by stepping in to troubled projects
- do peers a favour by praising them to their managers
- do myself a favour by doing all the favours above