等红灯被东欧老太追尾,对方不承认,collision centre让各自写statement, 路口只有一条车道,我是第一辆车,她在我后面一起等红灯,突然她打右转灯并行到我右后方,绿灯亮起,我们几乎同时启动,她的前保险杠把我的右前后车门蹭掉一长道漆, 停车后她反咬一口说是我刮了她的车,我说报告保险公司是她全部责任,她明年的保险会很高,她还是不认帐,(怀疑她的脑子有问题),于是毫不犹豫报警,开车到collision centre做笔录,然后让各自回家写statement, 通知保险公司...我有现场照片,但是没有找现场证人,自己车上有4人,This is the first time I need to go to collision centre. The other driver is 70 years old. If she acceptted the facts, I would not bother to report this to the police. Unfortunately she is not very smart.... I have photos taken at the scene, with her car and mine stopping at the intersection. It's a single wide lane, so a small car can squeeze out to turn right. Nissan Maxima is too big for that space, & she drove too far away from the road curb when doing a right turn beside me.