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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Please bring along ORIGINAL DOCUMENT as indicated below:

1. Passport or Certificate of identity valid for at least 18 months for all family members. If your children are studying aboard, please bring copies of their valid passport, copies of their student authorization and and their current overseas address.

2. Taiwanese/PRC Household Register.

3. Hongkong/PRC/Macau/Taiwanese identity card.

4. Labour Insurance Cards (for taiwanese applicants only)

5. Cetificates of No Previous Marriage Hongkong/PRC Notatial No Marriage Certificate.

6. Marriage Certificate/PRC Notatial Marriage Certificate.

7. Your spouse’s Death Certificate(if applicable).

8. HK/Taiwan Birth Certificates/PRC Notarial Birth Certificate for all family members.

9. If you or your spouse has been divorced, the original court Divorce Certificate for each divorce. and child custody documents and removal consent.

10. If a relative in Canadais supporting your application, documentary evidence of your relationship to that person and proof of his/her Canadian resident status or Canadian citizenship.

11. School Records showing that your over-19 accompanying dependent(s) (except your spouse) has/have been in full-time studies since 19 years of age.

12. Reference Letter from your prensent and previous exployers with detailed job descriptions stating length of employment, position held, number of years in each position, and description of duties.

13. Employer’s Tax Return and salaries Tax Assessment for the past 3 years.

14. Diploma/degree/school leaving and professional training certificates and professioal and/or trade certificates(for PRC applicants, please also provide notarial education certificates).

15. A summary of your totalfinancial resources and property holdings in Canadian currency. Proof of your owership of there assets will also required.

16. New PRC Notarial Certificate of no criminal conduction record for applicants.

17. Other applicable documents.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请问大家,去香港面试需要准备那些证件和文件?户口本要带吗?副申请人又要带什么?多谢!多谢!
    • 面食通知信会告诉你的,我打算带:无罪公证,未婚公证,推荐信,护照,户口本,存款证明,个人简历,身份证.以及一些护照照片(不知准备10张是否够?),好象没别的什么了.
      • 请教,如何写推荐信?
        • 我的也还没有写呢,我想无非是与"个人简历"相吻合地介绍一下自己的工作等.然后让推荐人签名吧.听说要英文的.但不知推荐人的签名是用中文,还是用汉语拼音?据说officer看了英文推荐信还会问一句"推荐人英文水平如何?".Hehe咱们一起好好准备吧.
          • 推荐信好像是由要求的,比如公司的信纸头,上司的签名及联系电话等,最好有个模板。
            • 我打算用打印纸 + 签名(盖章?)了(总不会在有'公司的信纸头'的信纸上手写吧?),同时附上推荐人名片.有否过来人指点一二?谢谢
            • 用带有单位名头的信纸,按英文信的格式打印在信纸上(多做一些实验吧),推荐人的名字拼音打在纸上,下面空一行用钢笔签名。
              • 单位公章方便的话盖上,没有也无妨。
                • 签名的下面写上联系电话,有可能使馆要打电话联系。
                  • 谢谢灵子.
          • 推荐信当然是用英文的了,不过我当时没有问到推荐人的英语如何.
    • 面试必须携带的文件(转贴)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Please bring along ORIGINAL DOCUMENT as indicated below:

      1. Passport or Certificate of identity valid for at least 18 months for all family members. If your children are studying aboard, please bring copies of their valid passport, copies of their student authorization and and their current overseas address.

      2. Taiwanese/PRC Household Register.

      3. Hongkong/PRC/Macau/Taiwanese identity card.

      4. Labour Insurance Cards (for taiwanese applicants only)

      5. Cetificates of No Previous Marriage Hongkong/PRC Notatial No Marriage Certificate.

      6. Marriage Certificate/PRC Notatial Marriage Certificate.

      7. Your spouse’s Death Certificate(if applicable).

      8. HK/Taiwan Birth Certificates/PRC Notarial Birth Certificate for all family members.

      9. If you or your spouse has been divorced, the original court Divorce Certificate for each divorce. and child custody documents and removal consent.

      10. If a relative in Canadais supporting your application, documentary evidence of your relationship to that person and proof of his/her Canadian resident status or Canadian citizenship.

      11. School Records showing that your over-19 accompanying dependent(s) (except your spouse) has/have been in full-time studies since 19 years of age.

      12. Reference Letter from your prensent and previous exployers with detailed job descriptions stating length of employment, position held, number of years in each position, and description of duties.

      13. Employer’s Tax Return and salaries Tax Assessment for the past 3 years.

      14. Diploma/degree/school leaving and professional training certificates and professioal and/or trade certificates(for PRC applicants, please also provide notarial education certificates).

      15. A summary of your totalfinancial resources and property holdings in Canadian currency. Proof of your owership of there assets will also required.

      16. New PRC Notarial Certificate of no criminal conduction record for applicants.

      17. Other applicable documents.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我想参考加拿大人力资源部网站上的job description会对你很有帮助.wwinet.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/cgi-bin/
    • 肠子的文件清单
      1 个人简历 RESUME
      2 推荐信(新的)
      3 公司的结构图及本部门本班组本人的具体位置
      4 做过的工程项目的源程序,运行效果图
      5 工作现场照片
      6 大学毕业照(证实我是xxx大学毕业)
      7 婚纱照和婚礼现场照片(以免被怀疑假夫妻)
      8 加拿大的朋友名单
      9 财产证明