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Japanese Car is more expensive and also more reliable than American car. This is the truth, everybody must recognize it.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛From all the people I know, including Chinese, Canadian, Indian, and also people from other Asian countries, African countries. When they buy cars, the most important thing is price, then their preference. You spend one penny, you will get one penny thing. One of my colleague is a pure Canadian, he has 3 kids, a house, 2 American cars. His wife drive Malibu(because she likes American cars), he drive a Windstar, he bought second hand, it is made in 96, he bought it last month. He is an expert in cars. When he bought it he knew there was something wrong with the power steering, but he can fix it by himself. He love japanese cars but he can not afford to buy one. He dares to buy cars with problems, Dare you?
Another guy just bought a brand new civic, he is a italian. He love Japanese cars. His parents bought a new Malibu, because they can not afford to buy Camry or Accord, but they want the same pleasure. So they select malibu.
My big boss has 2 cars, one Jetta, one Audi-A6. He pisses off all the American Cars and prefer European cars.
Most of the people in my company drive Japanese cars. No matter old or new.
My manager bought a Ford Taurus Vagon in 1998, it is a used one, made in 1996. From the day he bought it, he began to put money in it, now he already put more than 6K to repare it. Money is one thing, but it is a nightmare when you find your car broke again. (he changed almost everything except the frame and engine).
Japanese car is reliable. That's the most important thing. I have an old neighbour he bought an camry in 1994, 7 years, never broke down once.
The market controls everything, Canadian is not idiot. They will count their money before they buy something. Chinese were not born to buy Japanese cars, if you have no choice, you have to drive neon and hyndai.
For me reliability is everything, now I will buy camry, in the future I will buy lexus, the most reliable car.
DISCUSSIONS ONLY, DO NOT....更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 不知道有没有人做过调查,买日本车的主要都是哪里的人?中国人?加拿大人?还是印巴人?日本车那么贵,贷款利率那么高大家还是买(我知道大家买的一个目的是保值),
    • 好像印巴的同志们爱买Mini-van,一打开门唏哩哗啦下来一大家子七、八口人。而且能把Mini-van开出出租车的气概!呵呵
      • 哈哈,在中国不让生啊,否则。。。
    • 别的不敢肯定, 但是我敢肯定买日本车的中国人占全部中国人的比率比买日本车的加拿大人高的多的多. civic和corollor在众多中国人的捧场下不过排名第七和第八
      • 是啊,中国人没有钱还去买那么贵的车,加拿大人那么有钱就是去买便宜的美国车,尽管美国车很破,真有意思啊!!加拿大人不知道保值吗?就中国人知道保值?
        • 有一天去Parkway Honda, 发现才有不到一半的亚洲面孔 在那里挑车修车, 真让我失望啊!! 中国人就是绝, 买车还不让你看见!!!!
          • 不让看见是什么意思哪?是不是不好意思让同胞看见,还是买车的时候有什么见不得人的秘密不想让人家知道?怪了。。
        • 其实加拿大人再有钱,投资在汽车上的比例绝对不会比中国人多,他们买车更多的是讲究个性。
        • 观念不同。
    • 很多中国家庭稳定了之后都喜欢volvo啊。
      • VOLVO有什么特点吗?
        • 禁撞
          • 啊!怪不得Volvo被视为最安全的车型之一,原来是不许撞啊!
            • 惭愧啊!提笔忘字呀。不过滥用同音字是不是网络文化的特征之一?
          • 弄个ford f250撞撞试试
            • 抬扛。
              • 你可以说:我拿volvo货柜车头和你试,呵呵
                • //狡猾。
    • 日本车有一个最大的特点,就是没有老爷车,从未听说日本车开了好几十年。
      • 你的意思是日本车到了规定的年头就要报废了,是不是?不像美国车可以开很多年,即使已经过了厂家规定的公里数。如果我的理解是对的,那么长远看来,还是美国车保值。
        • 观念错误。
          • 请教。。
            • 说来话长。。。。
              • 长话短说。开的年头多不等于保值。后几年你只不过在开个不值钱的破车。
      • 我想这是因为日本车真正打入北美市场的历史比那些美制老爷车短。
        • 那为什么在日本本土也没有老爷车呢?
      • 老爷车一般是用于收藏(外观漂亮、意义特殊),而且内部大多作了改装。日本车进入美国市场也就三十年,走的是中低档大众化的道路(高档日本车是九十年代的事),谁会去收藏?
        • 恐怕不止如此吧?老爷车一般都可以开,也经常有人开出去显摆的。
    • Japanese Car is more expensive and also more reliable than American car. This is the truth, everybody must recognize it.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛From all the people I know, including Chinese, Canadian, Indian, and also people from other Asian countries, African countries. When they buy cars, the most important thing is price, then their preference. You spend one penny, you will get one penny thing. One of my colleague is a pure Canadian, he has 3 kids, a house, 2 American cars. His wife drive Malibu(because she likes American cars), he drive a Windstar, he bought second hand, it is made in 96, he bought it last month. He is an expert in cars. When he bought it he knew there was something wrong with the power steering, but he can fix it by himself. He love japanese cars but he can not afford to buy one. He dares to buy cars with problems, Dare you?
      Another guy just bought a brand new civic, he is a italian. He love Japanese cars. His parents bought a new Malibu, because they can not afford to buy Camry or Accord, but they want the same pleasure. So they select malibu.
      My big boss has 2 cars, one Jetta, one Audi-A6. He pisses off all the American Cars and prefer European cars.
      Most of the people in my company drive Japanese cars. No matter old or new.
      My manager bought a Ford Taurus Vagon in 1998, it is a used one, made in 1996. From the day he bought it, he began to put money in it, now he already put more than 6K to repare it. Money is one thing, but it is a nightmare when you find your car broke again. (he changed almost everything except the frame and engine).
      Japanese car is reliable. That's the most important thing. I have an old neighbour he bought an camry in 1994, 7 years, never broke down once.
      The market controls everything, Canadian is not idiot. They will count their money before they buy something. Chinese were not born to buy Japanese cars, if you have no choice, you have to drive neon and hyndai.
      For me reliability is everything, now I will buy camry, in the future I will buy lexus, the most reliable car.
      DISCUSSIONS ONLY, DO NOT....更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • very good!
        • 好文章,大实话。买车影响三因素:钱,爱好,技术。
      • 这怎么可能呢?世界上最大的公司是通用汽车。