but for part-timer and agency nurses, they are holding higher hrly rate up to $50/hr, so with their OT rate of 1.5 times the regular pay, you can do the calculation:
let say a part-time nurse's hrly rate is 35.8X1.13=40.45
she works 90hrs biwkly(that's including OT, which paid as 1.5 time), then yearly income will be:
40.45X90X26=94662, and she has holiday lieu day payout which will add her income to be higher than 100K, not mentioning all the evening, night and weekends allowance and etc
let say a part-time nurse's hrly rate is 35.8X1.13=40.45
she works 90hrs biwkly(that's including OT, which paid as 1.5 time), then yearly income will be:
40.45X90X26=94662, and she has holiday lieu day payout which will add her income to be higher than 100K, not mentioning all the evening, night and weekends allowance and etc