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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛CIP


Why is APICS developing a CSCP certification?
Through extensive market research, APICS uncovered a major gap in professional certifications specifically addressing the educational needs of professionals working in the field of supply chain management. APICS has the body of knowledge, the subject matter experts, the infrastructure, and holds the leadership position to develop and market the CSCP certification. With the addition of the CSCP designation, APICS enhances its validation of the disciplines within operations management, specifically production, inventory, enterprise, and now supply chain management.

What is the difference between the CPIM designation and the new CSCP designation?
The APICS CPIM certification provides a common platform for individuals to evaluate their knowledge of production and inventory management. CPIM focuses primarily on manufacturing and provides an in-depth view of materials management, master scheduling, production planning, forecasting, and quality improvement within the confines of the operation. The APICS CSCP certification takes a broader view, extending the CPIM knowledge outside of a company’s internal operations to encompass all of the steps throughout the supply chain—from suppliers through the company to the end consumer—and how to effectively manage the integration of these activities to maximize a company’s value chain. This diagram provides a depiction of the differences between the programs.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / Corporate Supply Chain Management职业方向介绍 // 公司开会又臭又长,为了不睡过去,写了这么篇东东。疏漏一定很多,欢迎大家补充。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Corporate Supply Chain Management职业方向介绍

    Supply Chain Management in a corporate environment是物流行业一个重要的组成部分,由于其不受工业(行业)的限制,所以就业机会非常多。

    之所以说这部分职业方向不受行业限制,是因为只要有库存、原料、产品实体的流动,就需要有Supply Chain Management professional。可以加入几乎任何行业:生产性公司,非生产性公司、流通业、IT、零售业等等。


    一、 采购(Purchasing or Sourcing)


    寻找供应商,谈判价格,供应商管理(vendor management)等。


    Buyer, Buyer agent, Purchasing Specialist, Vendor Management Specialist, Sourcing Specialist, etc. 这些titles都可以是entry level的,也可以是more senior level的。


    CPP (http://www.pmac.ca/)

    二、 计划(Planning)


    1、 需求计划(Demand Planning or Forecasting)

    传统上来讲,Demand Planning or Forecasting是Sales的职能之一。现在越来越多的公司把这部分职能划归Supply Chain部门。


    从Sales拿到rough forecast data, by customer, by category,然后使用专业需求计划(预测)软件分析historical trend、seasonality等,进一步massage data,制定per sku, per time bucket的详细需求计划(forecasts),输入MRP。目前比较流行的专业软件:Manugestics、Futurecast、APS(SAP自带的Demand Planning module)等。


    Demand Planner。


    CPIM (http://www.apics.org/Certification/CPIM/default.htm)

    2、 供应计划(Supply Planning or Inventory Management)


    根据forecasts,制定成品的采购计划,issue PO或者release PO。基本上使用DRP(Distribution Requirement Planning)的逻辑,在成品level做计划。比较小的公司还可能包括Inventory Reconciliation之类的库存管理职责。


    Supply Planner, Product Supply Planner, Inventory Planner, Inventory Analyst。

    如果公司需要采购原材料,根据MRP需求,制定原材料的采购计划,issue PO或者release PO。


    Vendor Scheduler, Materials Planner, Materials Analyst。


    CPIM (http://www.apics.org/Certification/CPIM/default.htm)

    3、 生产计划(Master Scheduling)


    如果是生产性公司或生产厂(plant),根据DRP需求,使用MRP逻辑制定主生产计划(master plan),issue shop floor order,pull materials等。


    Master Scheduler。


    CPIM (http://www.apics.org/Certification/CPIM/default.htm)

    三、 仓储(Warehousing)


    现在绝大多数公司都是用第三方(Third Party)解决仓储的需要。第三方供应商提供一揽子服务,包括warehousing, receiving, picking and shipping, etc。公司方面的仓储管理通常是管理第三方供应商,inventory reconciliation, EDI process等。


    Inventory Control Specialist, Inventory Analyst。


    CPIM (http://www.apics.org/Certification/CPIM/default.htm)

    四、 运输(Logistics or Transportation)


    运输商(货代)选择与管理,谈判价格。有些公司还要由运输部门批准付运费账单。进出口、海关、关税、货物追踪。有些公司所有outbound的调度是in house作的。


    Logistics Analyst, Logistics Specialist, Logistics coordinator, Import\export Analyst。


    P. Log (http://www.loginstitute.ca/plog_2.html)
    CITT (http://www.citt.ca/)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 赞一个,抢到沙发了:D
      • 这个是上礼拜写的。刚才又开又臭又长的大会了,我喝了一肚子水才勉强没睡过去。:((( 恨死这些臭会了!
    • 好, 顶一下. 补充一点,近年第三方物流服务的范围越来越大,大公司通过兼并把报关仓储运输甚至AR全包了,EDS传送数据,有点ERP背景会很有帮助
      • 嗯,我们公司现在的第三方物流供应商就是一揽子把仓储、运输、报关等等全包了。
    • 很好,能不能介绍一下物流行业的计算机软件的应用啊?都用什么系统? 另: EDI这个东西的应用还有前途吗?将来会可能被什么取代呢?谢谢
      • 现在纯物流方面的软件不多吧?应该都是集成在公司ERP软件中了。77可能更适合回答你的问题。我用过的ERP软件:SAP,Great Plains。EDI至少现在还都在用。据说以后的发展趋势是internet based的软件,用户界面更友好。
        • 有些应该是专用的,象i2 的Transportation manager之类的. EDI就是不知道还有多少生命力,会不会很快被xml或什么新东西取代
          • EDI 已经被许多web service 技术所取代。在新的系统中已不再使用。
            • 多谢
    • 表扬表演,看来还是要多开会呀 :)))
    • supply chain
    • 好, 存起来.
    • 真是好文章,谢谢!
    • 请问考CPIM总的考试费用要多少?TAKE什么课呢?能介绍的更详细些吗?谢谢你的热心!
    • Lazycow 可真是个热心银,赞一个。
    • 我想把operation和电子商务结合起来,MBA学习中,,
      • 但我很怕电子商务这个东西现在很空泛,我以前学电脑的感觉商学院的这些东西有点忽悠人的感觉
        • 要是没有相关背景,基本就是去被忽悠的。
          • 我计算机的本科,但觉得除了编程是最累得以外,没看出太多的技术含量
            • 个人以为IT背景念MIS不是个好选择,技术本不是MBA的长项,business background + MIS,IT background + Business比较好。你以前是做什么程序?ERP什么moudule?可以试试从原先熟悉的行业开始
              • 我原来做的是linux底下写一个叫C的东西
    • Good.
    • 谢谢整理概括,已经收藏。
    • 挺感兴趣,只是不知道收入方面好不好? 要是跟做Labour工差不多以没意思了。
      • 这一行呢,小公司的entry level比普通labor强点儿,比汽车厂的labor差远了。年薪3~4万吧。大公司没几年相关经验根本进不去,进去了有4万到6万。做到manager级别,薪水就不好说了,6位数都不少见。// 总而言之,能做IT还是做IT吧。
        • 你真可爱:P
          • 本来嘛,坛子里的挨踢大侠们动不动就BS一下年薪少于6位数的同行,让我们这些离6位数还有一撇子距离的其他行业人士自惭形秽不是?所以,我一向是劝人家能做挨踢还是做挨踢的。不能把大家往火坑里拉吧?:D
    • 一位不愿意留下ID的网友补充的信息:
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛CIP


      Why is APICS developing a CSCP certification?
      Through extensive market research, APICS uncovered a major gap in professional certifications specifically addressing the educational needs of professionals working in the field of supply chain management. APICS has the body of knowledge, the subject matter experts, the infrastructure, and holds the leadership position to develop and market the CSCP certification. With the addition of the CSCP designation, APICS enhances its validation of the disciplines within operations management, specifically production, inventory, enterprise, and now supply chain management.

      What is the difference between the CPIM designation and the new CSCP designation?
      The APICS CPIM certification provides a common platform for individuals to evaluate their knowledge of production and inventory management. CPIM focuses primarily on manufacturing and provides an in-depth view of materials management, master scheduling, production planning, forecasting, and quality improvement within the confines of the operation. The APICS CSCP certification takes a broader view, extending the CPIM knowledge outside of a company’s internal operations to encompass all of the steps throughout the supply chain—from suppliers through the company to the end consumer—and how to effectively manage the integration of these activities to maximize a company’s value chain. This diagram provides a depiction of the differences between the programs.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net